This paper discusses about a consumer product of a hypothetical company, Logitech Revitalizer, which is a portable charger. The features of this portable charger are that it comprises of Wi-Fi and ability of play music. Beside this, it can charge anything that uses a USB charger, such as Smart-Phones, laptops, Play-Station etc. This paper will further discuss outline the size, growth and nature of current markets for this product, outline the nature of the screening process to be adopted, Highlight the approach needed to adopt and the reasons for the order it will take. Potential, apply appropriate values to the selected variables in order to eliminate economies with little potential, and finally provide an overview of the selected markets explaining why they are the best markets for this product.Table of Contents
Introduction 4
Discussion 4
Overview of the Product 4
Replacement of desktop computers with Devices like PDA's and Smart-Phones 4
Wireless Trend 5
Factors Determining Wireless demand 5
External Drivers of Change 6
Competition from Substitutes:6
Global per capita disposable income6
Wireless Systems and Technology7
Pervasive Technology i.e. Mobile Telephone Density7
Key Success factors for operators in the industry7
Economies of scale: 8
Accessibility to consumers/users:8
Ability to quickly adopt new technology8
Having a wide and expanding product range8
Development of margin enhancing services:9
Having links with key suppliers:9
Access to capital markets:9
Use an appropriate pricing policy:9
Analysis of the wireless demand9
Financial analysis of Portal charger10
Portal charger demand estimation 10
Economies with Good potential10
New Zealand 11
Overview of the selected Markets13
References 15
International business and global change
Creative and innovative things have become a part of this competitive world. Customers are seeking for more advance products which might make their life easier than before. This has place companies in complicated circumstances. Developing new products for customers is not an easy task, as the acceptance by the customers is uncertain. For survival purpose in market, new product development extensively conceived as a vital activity for the success. There are various challenges in developing a new project in order to choose best projects.
Overview of the Product
The new product which has been selected is Logitech Revitaliser which is a portable charger. The features of this portable charger are that it comprises of Wi-Fi and ability of play music. Beside this, it can charge anything that uses a USB charger, such as Smart-Phones, laptops, Play-Station etc. The following are the other features of the Logitech Revitaliser:
Power and charge portable devices via a connection 230 volt wall
Works with all portable USB rechargeable via USB connection: iPod, mobile phone, portable media player, PDA PDA, etc.
Ideal to keep at home or in the office and extra charger
Extensible with a set of optional Trust USB charger to allow charging of all portable devices: all models of mobile phones, PDA, satellite navigation system, PSP, DS Lite, DSi
Save energy and money
Replacement of desktop computers with Devices like PDA's and Smart-Phones
Replacement of desktop computers with Devices like PDA's and Smart-Phones is debatable since it can be beneficial to replace desktop computers in personal ...