The course of the study will focus on the reason behind the proliferation of international organizations in the past century. In the past century the global community has witnessed an emergence and the proliferation of the organizations at the international organizations at a fast pace and the basic underlying rationale behind the proliferation of these international organizations is the evolution of the phenomenon “Global Village”. The world has become a global village now and therefore, it has both aspects associated with it negatives and positives. There are many international organizations which have been formed in the past century. The proliferation of international organizations is presently a hot issue (Aggarwal 1985, pp.56-73). At the same time, certain reluctance may be observed to create new organizations. The overlapping activities, and, conflicting competence occur frequently, and, the need for coordination is evident. Few of the prominent international organizations formed in the past decades are as under.
United Nations
International Monitory Fund
World Bank
World Trade Organization (formerly GATT)
European Union
The phenomenon of the emergence of international organizations is relatively new, dating back to the early nineteenth century. Until then, public, international law only regulated the relations between States, which acted individually and separately: there were other categories of entities endowed with personality. The passing of time was a series of global changes that required the cooperation of individual states to solve international problems. With the emergence and proliferation of international organizations, the "international" was added to the "supranational" that implied a set of rules adopted by these entities, or as a result of multilateral agreements, which were above the domestic legislation of the States. They cannot generate principles that contradict international standards. In the second half of the twentieth century, a new mainstream was added known as the "transnational", from the emergence and multiplication of various transnational actors such as producers, traders, banks, NGO's, pension funds or insurance, among others.
These transnational actors began to fulfil roles and had functions that were previously for the exclusive jurisdiction of the state (Jones 2001, pp. 2-12). It was done to pass and occupy a prominent place in the "global village", whose main protagonists were always the States. International organizations are not only forum for discussion and cooperation of various international subjects, but also have a legal existence, distinct from all the States that compose it and allows them to become distinct legal persons. It was done for the International organizations in accordance with the objectives assigned to it by its founders. There is no doubt that International organizations have legal personality that is, the ability to exercise certain rights and assume certain obligations in the framework of specific legal systems at national and international levels. However, unlike the states that are legally equal sovereign and subjects which have a full legal personality and it is usually affected by the specialty that "inspired" and "determined" full legal terms. In other words, the existence of these organizations will be "limited" to the ...