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Organisational Structure: Google Inc


Company Brief4













Porter's Five Forces8

Power of Supplier8

Barriers to Entry8

Competitive Rivalry9

Threats of Substitute9

Buyer Power9

Google's Organizational Structure10









Organisational Structure: Google Inc


The advent of latest technology and globalization has increased the competition in business industry. In order to gain competitive advantage companies have to adapt latest technologies and keep themselves up to date. Organizations can only operate smoothly and gain competitive advantage when ways in which they work are divided within the organization and every individual in the organizations know what to do to achieve common goal. In other words the organizational structure of organizations should be efficient and effective enough to achieve competitive advantage (Butler, 2006, 39). Organizational structure can be defined as the framework within which the organization operates, according to this framework tasks are divided, grouped, coordinated, and controlled to achieve objectives (Nonaka & Takeuchi, 2005, 78).

The purpose of an organizational structure is to define the guidelines, parameters, and the procedure for a group to achieve a major objective. Each firm's organisational structure is different and depends on its specific needs. For instance, a large manufacturing firm with multiple factories is likely to have a different organisational structure than a financial services firm with only one office. This paper deals with the organizational structure that is formed by the Google. This paper aims to make several contributions to the literature on organizational design. An issue that will be analyzed is the restructuring of organizations which is to change its size or other features to allow better meet its objectives. This essay is intended to give the reader a general idea of the importance of corporate organizational structure.

Company Brief

Google is a company that has grown exponentially since its founding in 1998 to date. The company was established by Larry Page and Sergey Brin (two PhD students in Computer Science from Stanford University). These two young men developed a search engine based on the links with own algorithms, the main problem was the funding to start your project. The primary key of the success of Google has been the search precision. However, Currently Google has diversified its areas of action to lots of new products and projects. Its revenues have increased by 437% in five years (Google, Inc, 2013).

Today it generates profits over 1 billion dollars just from advertising. Today Google has more than 800 workers, has 12 offices worldwide and its interface may appear in some 70 languages. The major competitors of Google are Yahoo and MSN (Microsoft). Google owns 47% of the market being leader of this, Yahoo is second with 21% and MSN follows with 14%. Other companies with less participation whose percentage is 18%. The success of Google strategy and against its competitors is based on the accuracy in Internet search; innovation of services and products online is highly dynamic. Google's success is also due to his image anti-orthodox, the company believed in developing improvements, updating their products and, most importantly, offering most of its services free of ...
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