International Business

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International Business

International Business


This assignment presents the major issues faced at the Google Company, in the light of the related theoretical grounds. Chaos management at Google, the casual and informal attitude of the employees at Google which ultimately leads to the disruption of the organizational culture, the particular way of working of the Google employees, the increasing transformation of Google as a generic search platform, power and politics management at Google are the major issues that are highlighted in this report.

Chaos management at Google

Google is a significant example of an organization that, apart from embracing chaos, also gains revenue from it. The conventional business management technique is based on the distribution, sales and manufacturing of the products. The managers of today cope with cognitive enterprise in an environment where the transfer of information is over ten thousand times quicker compared to that almost twenty years before. The photocopier, fax, text messaging, and cell phone have completely changed the trends of carrying out a business. The out of date concepts regarding the amount of time people have because of all the strain born by the technology appears to be funny in the present era for the fact that the employees cope with a number of tasks, each of them having short and different deadlines. The employees at Google are paid for thinking, for experimenting, and for daring to take risks. Even in the event that those risks bring adverse outcomes, Google prefers creating a workplace milieu where mistakes are considered as the tools for acquiring knowledge and the personnel dare trying despicable and contemptible ideas (Lashinsky, 2006, pp. 34-42).

In spite of everything, a search engine on internet was possibly considered as a despicable notion before the founders of Google, Sergey Brin and Larry Page established it at Stanford University as a graduate project. It was introduced for the first time onto the internal website of Stanford in the year 1996 however till the year 1998, Google was a full-fledged commercial company, whose name was set out after the number denoted by 1 was followed by a hundred zeros. It is evident and apparent that Brin and Page had great ideas from the kick off. After almost ten years, Google is worth over thirty billion dollars and manages an increased number of transactions on a daily basis compared to the combined stock exchanges of Paris, Frankfurt, Geneva, London, and New York (Curtis, 2006, pp. 55-58).

Casual behaviour towards work

The changeover from the university or college life to the corporate world of business, for majority of the youthful graduates, comes as something of a cold shower shock. Simply getting out of the trainers and jeans into the uniform of suit and tie may be daunting. Then there are corporate politics to think through and hierarchies of a workplace to knock out. For the workforce employed at the Headquarters of Google company, majority of whom are in the second or third decade of their age, going to work must appear as a persistence of their ...
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