Intercultural Communication

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Intercultural Communication

Intercultural communication

How do culture and history contribute to individual and group identity? 2

Culture in Intercultural Communication 2

Thought Patterns in Intercultural Communication 2

Behaviour Patterns in Intercultural Communication 2

Artifacts Pattern Intercultural Communication 3

Imprints in Nature Intercultural Communication 3

History of intercultural communication 3

Culture and History Contributed towards individual and group identity 3

Culture and History Contribution to Individual 4

Culture and History Contribution to Group Identify 4


Intercultural Communication

How do culture and history contribute to individual and group identity?

The culture and history is the major elements in contributing the individual and group identify in intercultural communication. The intercultural communication identifies the ethnic and religious differences among the citizens. The crimes and other unethical actives is committed duet to the intercultural communication. There are numerous challenges that a researcher has to face while dealing with intercultural individuals. People from different cultures will identify in the intercultural communication and their history is important in understanding the underlying causes of the activities that are conducted by the individual belongs to intercultural communication. Further discussion will explore the cultural aspects, history, individual and group identify in intercultural communication as to identify the culture and history contribute to individual and group identify in intercultural communication (Martin, 2010, pp.3).

Culture in Intercultural Communication

The intercultural filed is changing but the relationship between the culture and communication is complex and dynamic. The intercultural communication is widely spread in our culture and it is increasing as the time progresses because many other states citizens are arriving in the foreign countries. The cooperation is increasing due to intercultural communication besides this the ratio of conflict is also increasing due to intercultural communication. The reason for the conflict will be unacceptability regarding intercultural communication individual and group in the foreign states. There are many challenges and there are many advantages in living in the multi cultural world that need to be understood by the citizens of the state. The intercultural communication can be gained by studying the cultural background of migrated individuals (Martin, 2010, pp.3).

There are several factors that play a vital role in identifying culture of individual and group such as discrimination between cultures that exits in the society plays a vital role in resolving the cultural discriminations among the individuals and groups. There is a barrier of stereotype that involves with the individual that are multi cultural and they are aspired to capture their cultural identify in the foreign countries (Martin, 2010, pp.3). There are certain dimensions of culture in intercultural communication they are as follows

Thought Patterns in Intercultural Communication

The thought pattern that is variable in intercultural communication is variation in culture due to beliefs, norms, values, emotions and traditions. The thinking pattern of the individual and group varies from culture to culture (Allwood, pp.1).

Behaviour Patterns in Intercultural Communication

Another dimension that depart intercultural communication is the cultural identify of people s people living in same culture have common ways of behaviour, they understand their medium of communication and the behaviour identification of intercultural people is difficult to ...
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