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Intelligence Of Terrorism

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Intelligence of Terrorism

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Intelligence of Terrorism


Terrorism is a real threat to the States and peoples. To cope, the US has implemented a strategy against terrorism based on prevention, protection, pursuit and response.

For the purpose of threat from terrorist, the world and United Nations (UN) has set up a comprehensive plan s in order to secure the world or United States. The strategy adopted at the US encourages democracy and good governance to address the causes of radicalization.

There are three dominant legal stances taken by states facing a terrorism problem. One is to do nothing. Before the attacks of September 11, 2001, this stance was adopted by many states. In this approach, terrorism is viewed as simply a form of organized crime, and while more threatening than common thefts or assaults, the view is that a robust criminal law and criminal justice system can handle terrorism.


To combat terrorism effectively proposes to organize its work around four objectives: prevention, protection, pursuit and response.


Pillar "Prevention" aims to fight against radicalization and terrorist recruitment in determining the methods, propaganda and tools used by terrorists. Inspite of these challenges the Member States and US is helping to coordinate national policies, to identify good practices and exchange information.

The priorities identified for prevention are:

Develop joint actions to detect and combat behaviors of concern;

Curb incitement and recruitment into the good places (prisons, places of worship, etc.).

Establish an intercultural dialogue;

Better explain US policies;

Encourage (through assistance programs) good governance, democracy, education and economic prosperity;

Further research in this area and share experiences and analyzes.


Pillar "Protection" is to reduce vulnerability to attacks, and limit the consequences thereof. It proposes the establishment of collective action at the protection of borders, transport and all cross-border structures.

To increase the safety of transport, Member States must work together to address vulnerabilities and strengthen their transport ...
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