Integration Paper

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Marketing Module Integration Paper

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Marketing Module Integration Paper

Extent to Which Marketing Is Rhetoric or Reality in My Organization

Marketing holds an immense importance in almost every business. Similarly, in my case organization as well Marketing plays a vital role. Marketing is not just rhetoric but a reality, and an important one. Several variables of marketing are used to develop an effective marketing strategy that can deliver a right message to attract customers or stakeholders. Marketing concepts are not only just in textbooks, I must say they are highly applied in organizational context. Like we have learned the concept of relationship marketing that was considered as an approach to service and industrial markets and was conceived as inappropriate I other marketing context (Grönroos, 1994, p.4; Fournier, Dobscha, & Mick, 1998, p.42). However, my professional expertise and module learning have provided me with an observation that today the domain of RM has been extended with the incorporation of innovative applications in mass consumer markets.

My organization also applies RM in our consumer markets that have been facilitated by developments in databases as well as direct marketing within the increasing rivalry and fragmented markets. Furthermore, organizations are increasingly incorporate significant conceptual, empirical, practical, and popular contributions of marketing in consumer marketplaces and evidence the reality of marketing in organizational context. Another reflection is that facilitation developments in customer information systems have forecasted a movement towards direct marketing. In my organization as well, there are several marketing implications such direct marketing, relationship marketing, and many others. Thus, marketing Is reality in my organization and almost all other organizations.

How This Module Helped Me Developing Marketing Leadership In My Professional Life?

As this module took the approach of defining organizational values in environmentally, socially, and ethical manner, and that organizations capture value through market proposition, I have gained several learning and developed skills related to marketing leadership within the societal context. Several studies have been undertaken throughout this course that have improved my capacity to formulate as well as professionally apply an integrated blend of different marketing variables that would allow me to effectively implement and execute sound marketing strategies with respect to my target market.

An effective marketing leader is the one that have sound knowledge of marketing concepts and can implement successful marketing strategies within the societal context. This module provided me learning that have helped me to conceptualize major economic trends nationally as well as internationally, gaining sound knowledge of marketing principles, understanding the concept of relationship marketing, and analyzing the marketing decisions that appreciates that social and ethical responsibilities. All these learning helped me a lot in developing marketing leadership in my professional life, as day-by-day I will have to apply marketing concepts and build marketing strategies that attracts my target market by delivering the right message effectively.

For example, the understanding and analysis of how technology has impacted marketing strategy in the contemporary business world have improved my understanding and assessment of how I can make effective use of ...
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