Integrated Planning Through Partnership

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Integrated Planning through Partnership

Integrated Planning through Partnership


The paper intends to explain the role of integrated planning through partnership in order to streamline the business processes and to yield other more benefits for the target communities and delivery projects. Integrated planning is about connecting the planning function across the organization in order to improve the alignment within the organization for the benefits of the targeted communities. It is the linking of vision, people, and the resources in the single system for the better decision making and action. Integrated planning happens to shape the entire organization and evolves over time within its community. The need for the integrated planning emerged due to the increasing pressures on businesses to be more responsive such as the changing in the marketplace, need for the innovation, accelerated competition, and other regulatory pressures. It basically helps in addressing numerous limitations of traditional business and operational processes with the help of timely and better planning, and more improved and responsive supply chain (Harding, 2012). Hence, the integrated planning assures to maintain the capability of achieving the organizational goals. The effective integrated planning goes beyond the planning for staffing needs towards the identification of organizational requirements to ensure the organizational structure to present and future needs.

The integrated planning has become crucial constituent of strategic management. There are numerous benefits of the integrated planning such as it aligns organizational priorities with the resources, reduces costs and ensures sustainability of the organization. In simple words, the process of integrated planning talks about the planning, budgeting, and forecasting across the key areas of the organization in order to make it more effective and more responsive (Ketchin and Madden, 2009). The integrated planning through partnership can be described as the joined up planning which aims to focus on the improvement and well beings of the communities (Community Planning, 2004). Hence, the integrated planning through partnership is the joint efforts of the agencies to ensure accomplishing the single goal of the organization. The paper has comprehensively provided the detailed description of integrated planning and partnership. It has also described the numerous benefits which the organizations achieve when they undergo the collaborations and partnerships. The examples of some organizations have also been shared in the paper for the practicability of the concepts of collaboration which can also provide the in depth and increased understanding of the concepts. The integrated planning is the most critical part of any partnership and it is assumed as the essence to the success of the organization and long term sustainability.


The term planning can be described as the point where the organization is standing, where it wants to move, and the ways to reach to their desired destinations. It requires charting the complete course of actions by gathering and analyzing data from various sources, involving numerous people, and having required resources to achieve the objectives. While on the other side, the term integrated planning is used to explain the compound of planning activities that provide the ...
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