Integrated Business Communication

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Integrated Business Communication

Integrated Business Communication


For a business to run successfully, credibility of the business has to be maintained in order to retain the clients and capture their confidence. For bringing sense to the business in the long run, relationships are built on the basis of communication with the employees and the customers. Here, all the businesses must be attended promptly. Business communication is not only about the external environment but making sure that everyone in the organization is communicated the rules and regulations of the organization and are always kept in touch about their work success. The following paper discusses the importance of business communication, the role of technology in business communication, removing the generation gap and personal philosophy on the concept of the business executive.


Issues in Business Communication

Communication gaps usually stem up because of misunderstandings or accusations. For solving the issues in communication, it is usually suggested that all the problems are addressed to without biasness or blaming others. Problems such as these usually incur because of ineffective communication tactics applied at the workplace ( Such problems cause low productivity and a waste of money and time. Communication gaps are a result of not expressing the thoughts clearly and adequately. Here, in business it is must that the receiver understands and is able to interpret what the sender is trying to say. Confusions and misunderstandings are a result of unclear messages (

Communication problems in businesses often lead to low morale. Here, this must be identified that cultural clashes often occur in the workplace because of differences in values and might lead to communication gaps, affecting the productivity (Krausova, 2012). For overcoming communication issues, employees need to understand communication styles when sending a message. They need to behave and express in a certain manner for the message to be understood. For instance, open-ended questions and reflecting statements give space for arguments and discussion to avoid conflict in the future (Krausova, 2012).

All the communication aspects require training as every person may not know how to speak, listen, read or write effectively. Managers often spend time in acknowledging communication issues and making people aware of the communication benefits in order to come up with a stress free workplace.

Communication - More Complex or Less Complex?

Networked channels, flattened organization and diversified workforce have changed the way organizations operate today and their performances are affected. In the network, it has become important for the employees to contribute and improve their own and other's performances. As a result of this, employees are expected not to perform well on their own jobs but also enhance the performance of others (Duggan, 2013). With the changing way of business operations, communication in the business world has changed to an extreme. For some, it may be considered to be more complex because of low adaptation levels of the organizations. For some, communication has been made easier and has been considered a significant factor in the success of the contemporary organizations.

Here, managers are faced with the task of understanding ...
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