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The main objective of this report is to collect the facts concerning the sleeping disorder “Insomnia” and offer to the pharmaceutical company intending to develop the new drug, for the patients of insomnia. The important tasks of this report is to determine

Causes of Insomnia

Signs and symptoms of Insomnia

Risk factors

With the help of the information provided in this report, the pharmaceutical company targets the identified group and the probable issues ensuring the high sales.



Insomnia is the psychological disorder which results when inhibitory and excitatory neurotransmitters are disturbed. The optimum level of the functioning of these transmitters is essential for healthy body and sound sleep. The depletion of these neurotransmitters results from stress and improper diet. Moreover, insomnia is the type of sleeping disorder. Sleeping disorders are characterized by the disturbance in sleeping habits. Most of the people suffer from sleeping problems due to stress and other factors at one time or the other. But when the sleeping disorders are stretched over a long period of time and occurring on almost regular basis then one has some serious sleeping disorder issues. Therefore, it is necessary to provide the medication treatment for insomnia. Treatment of insomnia requires understanding the main findings of the disorder to evaluate and implement the appropriate procedure of treatment.

Though there is number of sleeping disorder, but the most prevailing sleeping disorder and most of the people are unaware of insomnia. Another reason for choosing this topic is that many people are confused to understand the difference between short sleeping duration with insomnia and therefore it is important to make the difference between the insomnia and short sleeping duration (Buysse et al., 2008). Moreover, the purpose is to provide the information to the pharmaceutical companies about the disease and pertinent recommendation for marketing campaign to introduce the new drug for treating insomnia in people from different age groups.

Insomnia - A Sleeping Disorder

Sleeping disorders are classified in three main categories which are disturbed sleep (periodic limb movement disorders, REM sleep behavior disorder, sleep apnea and restless leg syndrome), lack of sleep (insomnia) and excessive sleep (narcolepsy). The term insomnia is commonly used as the slackness of the sleep. The diagnostic criteria of the insomnia is when patient reports to suffer sleeping disorders more than a month and the slackness of sleeping negatively impact the well being of the patient because the insomnia results in stress or it leads to the negative impact on mood or the performance (Mai et al., 2008).

When a patient is diagnosed with insomnia, it is important to understand the medical and psychological conditions of the patient. These include neurologic diseases, psychiatric disorders, medical conditions, medications and other important substantial piece of evidence to evaluate the severity of the problem. Patients diagnosed with psychophysiological insomnia are found most of the time worried about their lack of sleep will significantly result in the compromise in their ability to perform day to day activities of both professional and social settings. Sound and comfortable sleep is invaluable and one ...
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