Sexual Disorders

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Sexual Disorders

Sexual Disorders


Although most sexual dysfunction probably has a physical basis which is appropriate to mention here because some sexual dysfunction disorders, either due mainly to physical or psychological causes may be at risk. For example, a person with a sexual disorder may suffer from anxiety and related sexual frustration which in turn leads to insomnia, and insomnia that may be the reason for consulting the doctor. close relationship of the individual may suffer and tension can build up in the family as a whole. Discussion and Analysis

According to the DSM-IV (by the American Psychiatric Association classification) is a dozen or so sexual disorders. Everything must cause marked distress or interpersonal difficulties to vote and disorders. A brief summary follows: 1. Hypoactive sexual disorder A persistent reduction in sexual drive or libido, not attributable to depression where there is decreased libido, sexual activity and sexual fantasy Guests. 2. Sexual aversion disorder An aversion to avoid sexual contact or genital 3. Female sexual arousal disorder The lack of arousal and lubrication / swelling response. 4. erectile dysfunction Inability to achieve erection or inability to maintain an erection once it has occurred. 5. Female Orgasmic Disorder A lengthy delay, or absence of orgasm following a satisfactory arousal. The doctor should take into account the patient's age, previous sexual experience and adequacy of sexual stimulation. 6. male orgasmic disorder A lengthy delay or absence of orgasm following normal excitement, erection and appropriate stimulation. 7. Premature ejaculation Ejaculation occurs only minimal stimulation, either before or shortly after penetration, in both cases before the patient certainly desired.

Again, the GP should consider the patient's age, previous sexual experience, the degree of sexual stimulation and the "novelty" of the sexual partner. 8. Dyspareunia (not due to a medical condition) recurrent pain associated with the relationship, but in women is not due to vaginismus, poor lubrication, and not women and men due to drugs or other natural causes 9. Vaginismus

Or persistent involuntary spasm of the muscles of the outer third of the vagina, again not attributable to the physiological effects of physical causes. Vaginismus may be permanent or recent generalized to all sexual relations or specific to certain partners or situations. 10. Secondary sexual dysfunction

Dysfunction secondary to a disease such as hypothyroidism, mental disorder, such as depression, for example, drugs or fluoextine. 11. Paraphilias

Exhibitionism (exposure of genitals to strangers). Fetish (find erotic lingerie inert objects such as women's). Pedophilia. Frotteurism (fantasies, urges, or behavior around rubbing against the car without consent otherwise). Masochism and sexual sadism. festishism transvestite (cross-dressing erotic pleasure). Voyeurism (fantasies, urges, or behavior around watching others without their consent naked or having sex). 12. Gender identity disorder

strong and persistent identification of personality with another genre. Persistent dissatisfaction with their own sex and the desire to participate in the stereotypical games and pastimes of the opposite sex.

Can occur in children, adolescents and adults (Green, 1985). No concurrent physical intersex condition. Etiology is thought to involve aberrant psychological conditioning, but gender identity can be defined by ...
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