Innovative Leadership Issue In Nursing

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Innovative Leadership Issue in Nursing

Innovative Leadership Issue in Nursing


Older people need additional support from the nursing staff for betterment of their health. The older aged individuals entail the unusual care following the transition from the healthcare setting to the residential place or living in the nursing homes. The demand of the high support has increased the challenges for the nurses to provide the adequate health care services. Therefore, the innovations in the health care strategies become integral. With the increase demand of nursing services from the older population, this task is directed to be more challenging and exigent. The challenges in the current scenario include the assertion of adequate, competent and qualified nursing staff providing nursing services in the home settings. To offer the appropriate and desired necessities, nurses as a leader must acknowledge their functions, value of the services as well as their own vision despite of the nature regarding nursing care facilities (Libsekal, 2006).


Significance of Topic in Nursing Practice

Though, there are many health home care organizations offering the healthcare and nursing care services to the older patient at home as well as the current nursing promotes the improved capabilities of the nurse for the stipulation of the holistic care facilities that has enhanced the quality of the health. Still certain cases oblige the auxiliary contemporary plans particularly for the old age patients' shift from hospital to their residential place.

Challenges in Nursing Practice

The older people of more than sixty five years old are the typical population that often occupies the acute beds in the hospital settings. Older patients are treated in a long term care in hospitals and then at home following the transition from the hospitals. The probability of readmission may increase if the proper care is not available at home after hospitalization (Mccarthy, 2012). The major injuries or adverse events occur due to the sudden fall of the patient, improper diet, medication error or the missed doses. Moreover, certain conditions such as dementia and impaired cognition make it difficult for the nurse to interact with the patients and to evaluate the patients` own perception regarding health status.

Patients with cardiac disorders, kidney insufficiency, diabetes mellitus type II and elevated blood pressure are more prone to get readmit in the emergency department (Mccarthy, 2012). Administration of the over dose of the medication is the frequent error. In case of elderly patients, dose of drugs must be reduced according to the body weight and renal sufficiency. The challenge for the nursing staff in communicating their distinctive contribution for the inclusive care of the elder population is that their work is often overlooked and could not be noticed. These factors include highly convoluted appraisal, understated communication expertise, techniques evaluation, scrutinizing, and detection (Briggs, 2011). Such aspects aid the patient for balancing their lifestyles with the needs of health quality.

The presence of poor staff of nurses not only influence the nursing services but also generate the substantial impediments in the conductance of the research studies related to the improvement ...
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