Information Technology

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Information Technology



Computer and its Affect on Productivity1

Effect on Productivity1

Transformation Taking Place in a Restaurant2

Next Big Thing to Affect the Global and National Productivity2

Role of WTO3

Orchestra Conductor3




WTO for United States4

Future Development of OM5


Works Cited6

Information Technology


This assignment is focused explaining the various aspects of information technology. It explains the way computer as a technology has affected productivity along with identifying the transformation which takes place in a restaurant. It also determines the next big thing which will have a major impact on the global and national productivity. It also defines the role of WTO and evaluates its impact on the United States of America. It also identifies one technology and one discipline which will contribute to in a major way to the future development of OM.


Computer and its Affect on Productivity

The technology on which this assignment is focused on is computers and the effect that it has on productivity. In order to understand this technology, it is imperative to briefly look into its history. Computers have their beginning from the 19th century, when Analytical engine was designed by Charles Babbage. His design provided a framework on which the present computers are based. There are mainly three generations of computers in which each generation resulted in an improvement in the existing computer (

The first generation was from 1937 to 1946. The first electronic computer called Atanasoff-Berry Computer was built in 1937. Another computer named Colossus was built for the military purpose in 1943. The first general purpose computer ENIAC was built in 1946 which weighed around 30 tons and had almost 18000 vacuum tubes that were used for processing. In this generation, the computers can only perform single tasks and they did not have operating system (

The second generation was from 1947 to 1962. In these computers, vacuum tubes were replaced by transistors which were more reliable. The first computer called UNIVAC 1, for the commercial purpose was introduced to the public in 1951. The series of International business machine developed in 1953 were very important for the computer world. In this generation, more than 100 programming languages of computers were developed. These computers had operating systems and memory. The storage media which include disk and tape were used along with printers for output (

The third generation of computers is from 1963 till present. Through the invention of integrated circuit, the third generation of computers arrived. This resulted in smaller and more reliable and powerful computers which also had the ability to run various programs simultaneously. MS-Dos was born in 1980 and in 1981; personal computers were introduced by IBM. After three years, Macintosh was introduced by Apple which had an icon driven interface and in 90s the Windows operating system was introduced. These improvements in computers have made it an important part in all fields (

Effect on Productivity

Computers help in improving productivity. It helps in increasing the output of workers which enhances the productivity of the business as a whole. Through the use of computers, intangible improvements such as identification of ...
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