Information Management

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Information Management

Information Management


Information management is traditional term, which means collection and maintenance of raw data to useful information. The distribution of information takes place among one or more than one audience. There are two methods of information management; one is physical storage and second is electronic information management system (Brien, 2003, pp 14-30). Paper storage is considered as traditional method of maintaining information. On the other side, electronic management system stores the information in the data base of the organization. In this contemporary world, almost all the big organizations are utilizing electronic management system to maintain important information of the company. In electronic management system, mainly the data is stored in the data base & the management of the company utilizes the data to get important information from it. The physical maintenance of information has been practiced till the era of 1970's. The concept of electronic information has emerged in the starting period of 1970. The concept of physical maintenance of data is becoming obsolete after the emergent of electronic management information system. The emergent of E-information management system is adopted by every organization, but there are loopholes in this management system.


Problem identification

As discussed above, that electronic management system is a very handy tool but at the same time there are various issues regarding this system. I am working in an Information technology company where IM is incorporated. I have identified issues different issues regarding this system in organization are as follows

Data maintenance


Data manipulation

Connectivity issue

System is not user friendly

These are the few issues, which I have identified in the organization where I am working. IM is a handful tool if it is utilized in a professional manner. There are some loopholes in this system, due to which company faces many issues, as discussed. The organization in which I am working has content development, media interactive, graphic designing and advertising department. The work which is performed in the systems of employees is saved in to management information system software. The reason of storing all the data is to control the quality of work in the organization. The raw data is stored for internal and external factors. The company takes orders from their clients via online, and sends the order to the client through their utility. The order which directly sent to customers through customers' utility is saved in management information system. The organization also prepares web content to promote their website ratings; this data is also saved in IM.

The management information system is an integrated system, means that all the department data is integrated with each other (Alter, 2003, pp 1-5).. This is because of the nature of work performed in the organization. All the organizations work is interdependent on each other; this is the main reason why the management information system is integrated with all the departments.

The data which is stored in the data base is used for extracting internal and external information. The internal data is turned in to information to maintain the quality of ...
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