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Information 103


Quality of the research conducted in entirely dependent on the credibility of the data collected for completion of particular research. Peer reviewed sources are the best research sources as the specialists provide there valuable feedback and concerns that improves the authenticity of the peer reviewed researched articles. There are various databases that can be accessed to enhance the credibility of research such as JISTOR, EBSCO host, ProQuest etc. The choice of online databases depends on the objectives of research and subject area.

The credibility of the source of information for the research is based on various source such as selection of peer reviewed articles, researching the best author, checking the date, investigating the publisher, checking the reviews, investigating the financial or funding sources for the sponsored research etc (Silverman, 2013).

Discussion and Analysis

There are numerous databases that exist today, but the choice of database is largely dependent on the aim and objectives of research. I perceive that ProQuest is one of the effective databases and a researcher can access all information and published researches on various subjects of the last several decades. There are numerous filters through which a researcher can customize its research. This activity saves time and energy. On the second choice, I will prefer EBSCO host and on the third level my choice will be JISTOR.

The most effective and efficient resources that can fit my research needs are Peer Reviewed journal articles. Peer reviewed articles is the evaluation and assessment of work by people of same competence to the producers of work. Peer reviewed articles are known as the scholarly articles that are published on approval from the specialists in the specific field. Peer reviewed articles are analyzed by subject specialists i.e. doctors, lawyers, researchers in the field to improve the credibility of the ...
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