Industrial Revolution

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Industrial Revolution

Industrial Revolution


In the historical period that corresponds broadly to the French Revolution and the formation of Italian and German unity, that is, approximately, between the end of the eighteenth century around 1850, the economic and social major European countries and the United States experienced a major change. Was due to some technical inventions of origin and in essence, to the mechanization of the textile industry and the invention of the steam engine and railroads. This phenomenon has gone down in history as the industrial revolution, now tends to call industrial revolution to distinguish a second phase, which was given during the XIX century, characterized by electrification, the extension of mass consumption and individual engine, and now begins the third, which distinguish the automation of production and use of electronic calculators.


In the economic field, the main impact of new techniques, based on the generous use of coal and iron, were to provide ample job prospects and benefit unexplored or unexploited fields like mechanical engineering, metallurgy and mining, and rapid transport. There was a significant impact on trade and agriculture, because the speed they had acquired transport allowed to import certain commodities from countries with which hitherto were not available due to its remoteness, which led, of course, the crisis of suppliers traditional. Another consequence was that those with investable capital APPLYING started the new fields of activity that gives them better prospects of gain, so that the other suffered the consequences. And it caused different troubles. Socially, the emergence of new production techniques gave rise to massive transfers of labor from one sector to another, considerable enrichment of certain strata of the population and impoverishment of others. The use of steam delivered to the factories of the need to rely on the sole driving force animal not so widely ...
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