This paper intends to throw light on the negative aspects of the Industrial Revolution and the way it effected the environment around us. The Environmental movement will also be discussed in the context of this paper; however, an effort will be made to chalk out a meaningful conclusion. Introduction
Table of Contents
Air Damage2
Human Aspect2
Environmental Movement & Laws3
Industrial Revolution
Industrial Revolution is marked as the period which tends to fall in between 18th to 19th century and had affected the world greatly. Industrial Revolution had an impact on every aspect of the human life from agriculture to transportation, and various other sectors of the human life were actively affected. However, industrial revolution also saw a drastic change in the social-economic conditions of the human being. Industrial Revolution initially started from the United Kingdom and then gradually spread to the whole world. Undoubtedly it is seen as one of the turning points of the human history, which brought several aspects with it.
The debate over the role of the industrial revolution tends to exist till today, many tends to argue in favor of the industrial revolution and its effects, however, the rest tends to oppose it due its negative effects.
One of the most significant blow of Industrial Revolution was the increase in the trend of Urbanization. People moved from small towns and villages towards the cities in search of employment. Many experts tend to believe that the process of urbanization disturbed the balance of the population living in the cities. However, another trend, which became very, common, as a result, f the industrial revolution was the fact that small populations were started to settle around factories. This trend of urbanization and population in small pockets created many problems in terms of policing (Peter, 2007) . Since the population, in the cities increased all of a sudden, therefore, it became difficult for the authorities to manage people and to maintain law and order.
Air Damage
Industries on one hand enabled people to find employment and gave them the chance to improve their social and economic conditions. On the other hand, it damaged the air greatly with the release of oxidants of Carbon Dioxide and other harmful gases as a result of the industrialization. Industrial revolution enabled the toxic gases to be released in the air without any limitations or precautions (Charles, 2000). This led to severe health problems for the people around the world. People living ...