Individual Coursework

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Individual Coursework

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Individual Coursework

Question # 1

Entrepreneur is a person with abilities skills to mange and led an association or a group of individuals into a specific direction for the attainment of predefined objectives. The element of profitability is sufficiently important in this regard, as every business is established with a primary objective to accumulate profits and it is the duty of an entrepreneur to ensure lucrative commencement of the business operations.

I was engaged in carrying on a small business concern of my relative. Though it was a small departmental store but I was able to learn a lot from my experiences. I have the ability of identifying the needs, satisfy them, expertly fill them, and then lead the team to success. I always find opportunity in any situation I fall in. l led my team in such a way that the organization gain profits out of its efficiency. I plan to observe, frame the challenges, build commitment, lead a team, and generate creative ideas. These are essential qualities that entrepreneurial leaders should possess and I was enriched with most of them (Angrist, 1988, 84-84).

Any organization to have good entrepreneurial environment, should have certain characteristics in order to reach the top level that is, to have success. The same way, Hospital Corporation of America, also have some characteristics which they follow to become the entrepreneurial leaders in their industry. Entrepreneurs incorporate all latest technologies so that they can be competitive for their competitors. Another characteristic that is very essential for all the organizations is to encourage new ideas. Any new idea regarding any aspect is appreciated there, and further planning is done so that proper implementation of the idea can be done. During the planning phase, the most critical factor is discussed that is, how benefit the idea is for the organization. For idea development, what Entrepreneurs does is that they first do the survey to find out what factors can reach them at more success, then thorough brainstorming is done, and then finally new ideas are developed. Entrepreneurs give importance to these new ideas, as they can reach them to the ultimate success. This is a sign of a brilliant entrepreneur.

Question # 2

As an individual, I want to achieve excellence in whatever I do. In my initial step, I designed and planned the skills and qualities I need to work on, and what course of action ...
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