Individual Analysis Of Group Process

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Individual Analysis of Group Process

Individual Analysis of Group Process


Groups are made to achieve a goal but generally the importance of the group is underestimated. Due to the uncertainty of a group process, it is not considered important. Chances are that you might not come up with an outcome or it may take more time than you think. This is why; organizations don't rely on them solely.

Group Process

Different individuals come together to achieve a goal or idea and goes through several stages which eventually lead to a predictable outcome. It is meant to provide useful information for a person who is conducting a group study. The stages a group has to go through come under the influence of various variables out of which ones is the self identification played by each member of the group separately. This lead to the emergence of natural leaders and people come up with useful information. Therefore, group process is all about analyzing a particular subject within group to attain a peculiar goal (

Leadership Issues

Leader is a person who enjoys complete authority within a group and involves the group members to work together. This person has all the skills necessary to make this group go through all the stages successfully and achieve the desired outcome. He is responsible to maintain the cohesiveness of the team throughout the process.

Explanation of the Phases

Phase I: Orientation

In the first phase, group members are oriented to the task which include the identification of the tasks, issues, expectations and explains nature of the work. From the day of orientation, all members of the group understand what is the main issue, what is their common purpose and what are they going to do together.

Participants normally act as if they need leader's instructions for the process to be done. They think they are totally dependent ...
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