Inclusive Learning Environment

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Creating an Inclusive, Student Centred Learning Environment

Creating an Inclusive, Student Centred Learning Environment


In inclusive settings, there are no eligibility criteria. The general education teacher has primary responsibility for the students with disabilities in his or her classroom. Students with disabilities are members of the general education classroom in the same way as are students without disabilities. Students with disabilities would not be removed from the general education classroom for failure to make progress. Instead, additional supports or instructional methods would be applied to accommodate the student's needs within that setting. If changes in behavior occur, students would not be removed unless they posed a threat to themselves or to other students or in the event that the behavior caused consistent disruption to the academic progress of others. Instead of removal, assessments, such as a functional behavior assessment, would be performed to determine additional supports necessary to continue a student's participation in the general education classroom. Mainstreaming is primarily centered on altering the student to fit the environment. Inclusive practices are centered on altering the environment to fit the student's needs.

The student's inclusion in a general education setting is for meaningful activities that promote academic and social growth. There is an expectation of reciprocity: The student gains something from the general education setting and also contributes something to the general education setting. This expectation of reciprocal engagement is another defining difference between inclusion and mainstreaming.


Inclusive Education

Inclusive education is a process of general education, which includes access to education for all, in terms of adaptation to the various needs of all children, ensuring access to education for children with special needs.

Target Group

Convene schools willing to be part of the Network for Inclusion, to complete 5,000 schools nationwide with which to commence.

Start the inclusion in the levels of pre-school and primary, providing each school inclusive with no classroom teaching, to serve as a support wheel.

Transforming special schools into resource centers to care diversity, in charge of accompanying the inclusion in regular schools.

Promote the Regional Offices of Education identified the school population with disabilities not attending school and mental barriers, urban, architectural, transportation, contributing to their exclusion.

Plan for Insclusive education

The program of inclusive education and quality is developed from the cascade training strategy with technical support, characterized in stages, phases, strategies and activities which give way to process transformation that should advance the institutions and municipalities, so gradual and flexible, responsive to the characteristics and needs of contexts in a process of progressive qualification of educational services. This process is designed in three phases to be implemented through six phases, which range from the formation of the teams they lead the transformation towards inclusive education, to the consolidation and continuous improvement of the attention to diversity in educational institutions and municipalities, as follows:

Contextualization Stage

This stage develops through four phases: development and planning, awareness and training, exploration and analysis of the conditions of quality and inclusion. It sets the leading groups, diagnoses, baseline inclusion and bases conceptual attention to diversity ...
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