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Warnock Report6

Equality Act 20107

SENDA Code of Practice8

Equality Act 2010 and SENDA code of practice9

School Practice10





Inclusion is a complex term which is helping in the growth and development of schools and education sector. The Equality Act and SENDA support inclusion and promote equality in schools. Education is necessary for everyone and it is necessary to provide quality education to everyone. If any child is facing disabilities, it does not mean that they are not provided with admission in schools. This will result in creating a barrier for education, which can affect the literacy rate. Many schools are trying to maintain inclusion and provide equal chances of education to every student, without discriminating on the basis of abilities and disabilities. The teachers are supposed to be cooperative, supportive, effective, helpful and responsible.

The education institutes and schools are focusing on inclusion and bringing changes in their terms and policies accordingly. The schools are trying to comply with the Equality Act so that they can provide essential and competitive education to children. Education is one of the most important aspects of any nation and society. The government of the countries tries to promote the educational sector as it will help in promoting the growth and development of the country. Schools, colleges and universities are formed for the purpose of providing education to students.

Diversity is common at schools as children belonging to different social and cultural backgrounds enter school for gaining access to education. The schools should also allow children who are facing mental and physical disability with permission to gain access to quality education. The Equality Act, SENDA and Warnock report supports inclusion and diversity at schools, and it is necessary that the management of schools develop their policies accordingly. The environment and education of schools should be free of discrimination, and every student should be provided with quality education equally.


Inclusion is related to the recognizing the rights of children and providing them with quality education. There are different views and ideas related to inclusion which is a complex term. It is considered to be an important aspect of education centers and schools. Inclusion is the process of enhancing and promoting students to participate and get involved in education. Inclusion derived from the term integration which was commonly used in the past. Today, inclusion is a part of many educational institutes and schools, where inclusion policies are being practiced widely (Jones, 2004).

The Warnock Report supports diversity in school while the Equality Act 2010 and SENDA promote equality in schools. Incorporating the policies in schools is necessary for the management, and it is necessary that teachers comply with the policies. Admissions should be provided on the basis of abilities and skills, and policies should be the same for everyone. Diversity is common everywhere and it depends on the management that how well they manage it. Inclusion is promoted in education sector as every child is important. Children are required to be provided with equal opportunities and rights, so that they ...
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