I narrative Argument About Education

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Narrative argument about education

Narrative argument about education

Thesis Statement

People are often intrigued by the subject of intelligence, and they are often referred to as smart, but not everyone is intelligent as they are not well-educated.


The following paper elucidates the purpose and how it means to be well-educated, whilst highlighting the work of Alfie Kohn.


Some of us are smart, but not as we think, and there may be people who are more smarter than us which makes us think what makes them smart, or what exactly is the definition of a smart person. What distinguishes a smart person to an average person? When is "resourcefulness" more important than "book smarts"? An important question here is to answer if a person can be smart and stupid both at the same time. Also, it is important to analyse if being smarter is associated with the surroundings or genetic transmissions. Then after defining smartness, there are questions like of education and wisdom. What it means to be highly educated? What exactly differentiates a person when he is highly educated or highly intelligent? What can make a person called wise and educated. Having answers to these questions have inspired many critical thinkers to ponder over the subject and they have engaged in long hours of research. The answers to these questions has inspired many hours of intense research which included the reading of Alfie Kohn's work. Alfie Kohn in his literary piece describes the process of education in a person's life from an adolescent to an adult and how other factors contribute to the well-education of a human being (Kohn, 2003).

Care since birth

There is not a better way or point to start the process of education from the beginning of the existence of a human i.e. fetus in he womb. Research has shown that high consumption of iron before and during pregnancy helps in creating the mind of a baby in a better and contributes to developing the prenatal brain of the baby. Children with low iron in the uterus have scored low on a test. For this, prenatal care is essential. There is a strong co-relation between deficiency of iron and decreased IQ levels in the baby. It is generally recommended that iron-rich foods should be consumed which include beans, spinach, asaparagus, broccoli, etc. during pregnancy for giving birth to intellectually smart babies (Denning, 2011).

It is highly recommended that the pregnant mother must refrain from drinking, engaging in unhealthy sexual intercourse or take drugs when the fetus is on its developmental stage. It is acting stupid. A study shows that women who take alcohol when pregrant have children who have lower IQs. Intelligence Quotient predicts the success in school and in future. A significant number of children are often recognized with fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) where children are more exposed to alcohol intake during pregnancy and have experience deficit growth and improper cognitive function.

Research indicates that exposing the human fetus frequently to ultrasonic waves is related to declining body weight of the newborn, frequency ...
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