Improved Human Capital Management Outcomes

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Improved Human Capital Management Outcomes

Improved Human Capital Management Outcomes


Human capital management is the strategic approach of managing the workforce in any organization that focuses on critical issues relating to human resources, which affect the organization's success. It is the emphasis on development and polishing of skills of the human resources and retaining them through active strategies. Google is taken as an example here of an organization which has human capital management departments working towards policies and management practices that help retain and develop their human resources.

Google's Work Force Management Strategies

Google's workforce management involves sophisticated and complex series of organizational planning; the strategies it uses are briefly described as follows

Google's Competitive strategies:

It means that Google selected its position and aligned its activities according to the position to improved effectiveness of operations. For Google, this position is long term; mission based and continually evaluative for best workforce management standard practices and the best fit. It means Google does not believe in the standard version of workforce management rather it goes for unconventional creative styles for retaining and developing its human capital.

2.Google's Resource Based Strategy:

It is the more dynamic and complex version of Google's development practice in contrast to the competitive strategies. Google is expected to take advantage of the opportunities that knock it doors, in effect it means that Google Inc. maximizes its productivity through the 70% (company work),20% (off budget project work),10% (personal innovation work) time allocation to its employees which helps provide creative freedom to employees as well as provide new and latest innovations for Google services. Due to this approach, Google is now a $100 billion plus brand with most of its earnings coming from its innovated ad system, through this style of human capital management.

Google's Work Force Development Practices

Every firm asserts its own best practices which suit the human development and management needs of the firm which includes hiring, benefits, compensations, workforce plans, remunerations, talent management, promotions and management of workforce diversity. Google manages and develops its workforce skills to gain a competitive edge over its rivals (through which it has been ranked as USA's most desirable place to work).

At Google Inc. best Fit of workforce management and development practices are incorporated in order to maximize the production and productivity of the organization due to which its employees understand the measures of their performances and their opportunities in contributing to improve the organizations profitability (Manimala and Wasdani, 2013). The Best Fit approach is as followed

Selective hiring of only the best 'A' list candidates, providing leverage on resources for personal innovative experimentation, recognition programs that awards personal innovations and creativity. As well as guiding in occasional failures to further enhance performance

A flat hierarchical system with transparent organizational management practices and integrated internal/external alignments with company vision.

Attractive compensation policies to recognize and retain outstanding performers.

Recommendation of Best Fit Policies:

Recommending any further best fit workforce management and development approach for Google Inc. seems to be a futile attempt as per the HCM pundits because any company, which ...
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