Importance Of Training

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Importance of Training


Value Proposition of Wal-Mart1

Distribution Channel2

Customer Segment and Customer Relationship2


Current Trends in Training2


Classroom Based Training4

Computer Software5

Video Conferencing5

Training Appropriate for Wal-Mart5

Best Way to Support the Strategy of Wal-Mart6

Motivation and Performance Improvement Strategy for Wal-Mart6



Importance of Training


Wal-Mart is the world's largest retailer and also the biggest the employer in United States. It has almost 10000 stores around the world that that serves almost 2 million customers every week. The main reason for its growth is its symbolical representation of the American life's ideologies. It is said to emphasize in short run on margins and sales (Li, 2011).

It is a public corporation that operates an n entire chain of warehouse and department stores that offer large discounts. These stores operate in different formats across the world. It was found by Sam Walton in 1962 in Arkansas, America. The main philosophy of Sam was to provide a large selection of goods to the customers at great discounts. The strategy that the company followed was to open stores in small towns where there were fewer choices in retail shopping. The company faced lots of problems after the death of Walton in 1992. The company share price increased by more than 500% between 1997 and 2001. Today, the company makes almost $300 billion in terms of annual revenues and almost $10 billion in net profits. In 2005, it was ranked as the largest corporation of the world by Fortune (Li, 2011).

Value Proposition of Wal-Mart

Its value proposition is based on Everyday Low Price (EDLP). According to this proposition, the customers should not wait for the ales to get best deals. It also focused on providing a one-stop retail store so that the customers will save money and time (Li, 2011).

Distribution Channel

In order to deliver its value proposition, Wal-Mart reaches and communicates with its customers through direct and owned distribution channels which results in bringing higher profits. It corresponds with the consumers through loss cost media such as the internet (Li, 2011).

Customer Segment and Customer Relationship

It has established customer relationship on the basis of self-service and automation. Its strategy to reach its mass market is through its mass customization. It has divided its customer base in three groups namely price-sensitive effluents who are wealthy shoppers that like deals, brand aspirations who the people that have low income but have an obsession for brand and value price shoppers who are the people that prefer lower prices and are not able to afford lower prices (Li, 2011).

This assignment is focused on highlighting the current trends in training. From among these trends in training, the appropriate training strategy is determined that will help Wal-mart achieve its mission. The motivational strategy to enhance the performance of the associates of Wal-Mart is also outlined.


Current Trends in Training

According to a survey conducted by ASTD Benchmarking Service showed that the classroom training programs which were instructor-led have decreased significantly with time. Though this method has been reduced, it still captures most of the training ...
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