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Importance Of People Management

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Importance of People Management

The Importance of People Management as Part of Project Management


Project management involves creating new opportunities and control application within various organizational tasks and activities. Projects, by nature, are transitory. They are deliverables and finite plans. The aim of the project manager is to develop such a team which will deliver worthy work and when he job is completed, then the next challenge IS attempted. The major aims for the success of the project delivered by the project manager are attributed towards the management and skills of the project manager and how well his organization is supported by the project manager for the project success aspiration (sytel reply Uk).

Apart from drafting plans on paper, project manager is responsible to give continuous attention in details, communicate clearly and control the activities for the real-time delivery. Project management is primarily related to the series of tasks within a defined sequence. The project manager is required to demonstrate the traits and skills which people look in within a leader. It is important that the characteristics of good project manager match the skills of good business leader. The project managers develop strategic and hig-cost initiative plans with the provision of risk related information to build strong relationships and repay the investment profitably (Cowie 2003, 256).

People management

Project managers are strong people managers and team leaders. They recognize to build a strong virtual team in no time so that the right application of team style can be implemented and appropriate people leadership can lead the team to the maturity stage and manage people. The figure explains the project team development phases where each stage has defined its appropriate leadership style (sytel reply Uk).

Sage 1: forming

The first stage is forming stage where the individual members are identified by the project managers as the project's requirements. The responsibilities and roles at the individual role are unclear therefore there is more uncertainty and anxiousness among the members which reflects in the team. The team members are highly dependent on the project manager so that the project manager can lead the team properly. The situational leadership style required in this stage is directing style (sytel reply Uk).

Stage 2: storming

This stage is when the project manager initiates the team members to brainstorm their ideas so that they may know how well they can proceed with the assigned tasks and provide the team with the clarity of the purposes of the assigned tasks, priorities of the tasks and the role and responsibilities required from each individual team member. It is required by the project manager that he must be aware of the challenges to delegate authority related to the possible differences in opinion among the team members on the way the task can be dealt. The leadership style required in this phase is selling (sytel reply Uk).

Stage 3: Norming

The task is performed by the team members with the guidance and direction of the project manager. All the roles and responsibilities of every team ...
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