Importance Of Learning & Knowledge Management

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Importance of Learning & Knowledge Management

Importance of Learning & Knowledge Management


Knowledge management is a relatively new concept within management. It has been pressed by the rapid advancement of the information and communication technology. A knowledge management system provides the user with vivid information needed, exactly in the form in which it is desired at the specific time the client needs it. A knowledge management system is the one that creates links to all sources of knowledge (McKenna, 2008). In any organization, there involves two fundamental types of knowledge including tacit knowledge and explicit knowledge (Morressey, 2005).

Tacit knowledge can be described the knowledge that is subliminally understood and implements, difficult to articulate developed from direction interaction and often share via highly conversant manner. For example, optimal practice performed in an organization, management skills, innovation, customer, and market intelligence. On the other hand, explicit knowledge is briefer and formal, articulated, modifiable in the form of use. For example, the data of spread sheets, management reports, training and operating procedures manual.

The area of knowledge management is the study of how organizations manage the tacit and explicit knowledge and considers how the employees have about their products and services, systems of organization and the intellectual property. Many people consider that the knowledge management is a part of information technology; however, it is more of a business process rather than information technology. It is a process through which the organizations create and use the institutional and collective knowledge.

Importance of Knowledge Management System

The importance of knowledge management systems can be drawn from the fact that these systems seeks to improve the efficiency and efficacy of customer service, internal as well as external organizational concerns, proper data management, enhanced privacy and security, and proper access. Leading organizations have turned to knowledge management system and realized the noteworthy and quantifiable results. In addition to that knowledge management system has proper gadgets with powerful searching capability and analyzes the organization to bring forth only pieces of knowledge which are relevant to solving the issues. This feature of the knowledge management reduces the time significantly, by bringing the accurate and desired results.

A knowledge management system is also necessary from the fact that it includes special terms such as product specifications, consumer preferences, and industry jargons through which it intelligently navigates the data of the organization and increase the accuracy of the information provided. Moreover, training of the employees of the organization is as much relevant as any other thing. A centralized knowledge management system help the organization to effectively handle this crucial issue, thus reduces the time of service training.

Knowledge management system is also important from the perspective that it manages the service volume of the organization. It increases the efficiency of the people involved within the organization by reducing the time of research while improving the authenticity and access to shared knowledge sources. As a matter of fact, knowledge management system provides an insight, which can be used to drive more conversations to ...
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