Importance Of College Degree

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Importance of College Degree

Importance of Competing College Degree

My name is Evarest N Bubonye and I was born on 04/07/69, in Rumonge Burundi. Currently I am a student of Business Administration at Waldorf College. The college currently is among of the reputable good college in USA, and has everything to aid the students in facilitating their knowledge as well as their process of learning. In 1998-1999, I completed two years on campus at Waldorf College Tanzania Campus, and then due to some personal financial issues, I did not transfer to Waldorf College IOWA, where I was supposed to complete my education. In the 2010 I had to move to Cincinnati from Belgium where I have been living for seven years. This is the reason why I was not able to continue my education on campus there, even though the campus was a wonderful place to study. However, I am looking to transfer in to the Indiana University. There are 2 basic reasons for that. Firstly, my current university sometimes requires me to visit the campus, which really affects my work as well as my schedule. And secondly, the most important thing for me is to complete my degree as college education is critically important in ensuring my success in the future.

In the modern world, a minimum of a college graduate degree is required to enter in to a professional career. No reputable organization would hire an individual without a recognized college degree. Thus, it could be said that a college degree is the first and most essential step in the professional life of an individual. In addition to that, it is important to note that a college degree also tends to increase the earnings of an individual. It is generally considered that college students tend to earn more in their initial ...
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