Implementing Change Process

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Implementing Change Process

Implementing Change Process


Change implementation is one of the important processes for any organization. Management should ensure appropriate planning for executing the process efficiently. It is mandatory to plan that how the changes would be communicated to everyone in the organization. The major steps involved in the change implementation process include assessment, planning, implementation and evaluations. This report discusses some of the important aspects of implementing change process in our organization.

Monitoring the Change Process

The process, tools and techniques used to changes the people side of business is known as the change management process (Blake and Bush, 2009). Managing the people of organization effectively ensure the successful outcomes for the business. The team, line and HR managers should monitor every aspect of the change management process. For example, they should ensure that the resources are used efficiently and the right products and services are offered. The people should be recruited through efficient screening process, so that the best skill should become a part of organization. For an efficient implementation of change management process, the organization should have a set of strategies, information systems, accountabilities and resources to achieve the organizational goals and to improve the performance.

Opportunities for Adjustment

The organization may find it difficult, costly and even disappointing to change. Most of the times, the management pays most attention on developing the expensive information systems, solutions, organizational infrastructure and policies, while the most important part (the workforce) remains neglected. The difficulty level of change management process and identifying opportunities in it also depends on the size of the organization (Buchanan& Huczynski, 2004).

Using the new system, the organization would become able to make adjustments in its current information systems. These adjustments would bring numerous business advantages; some of these are discussed in the following:

The new technology would support the organization to develop a whole new range of products, providing it with sufficient competitive advantage.

The organization would become able to cater the changing needs and requirements of the customers.

Since our competitors have been continually developing new products, the efficient change management in our organization would create barriers to entry for the products launched by our competitors.

Change Resisters

The most important resisters for the change implementation process will be the staff members. The managers implementing change process should clearly understand that employees are the most important asset of any business; if the people do not change, the processes and systems can never change. Most of the people would not like to transform to the new processes, as they have been using the previous systems for many years (Hall and Rafoo, 1995). It is never easy for the staff members to forget their old responsibilities, behaviors, attitudes and work procedures easily. Hence, there need to be appropriate planning for overcoming the user resistance; to implement the change process fully, it is essential that everyone in the organization is on board.

In order to involve the employees in the process of change implementation, it is required to have careful strategic ...
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