Implementing Change

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Implementing Change

Implementing Change


In the recent times, the world has been changing on a very rapid and swift basis and the factors affecting every business entity are also changing extensively. In order to cope up with these series of changes, every organization needs to change accordingly (Steger, 2010). However, changes within an organization do not take place in a manner of minutes and require the execution of a sequential process with collaboration and coordination of the management and staff. In order to better understand about the role of change implementation in the Organizational Success and the responsibility of the management with this regard; an in depth discussion regarding the relevant factors is required.


Importance of Change

In the modern era, different developments have been made with reference to the way businesses operate. Globalization has strengthened its roots and the international boundaries throughout the world have blurred. Organizations have direct competition with each other; and on the other hand technology is advancing on consistent basis.

Moreover, culture is changing continuously and the Organizations need to update themselves from the old to new methods of doing things in order to survive. The old methods of operations and organizational structures are becoming obsolete and developments are required so that the organization does not lose on its competitive side.

Management's Role and Responsibility

As mentioned above, changes within the Organization have become vital to the survival of the organization. Moreover, these changes require an excessive deal of efforts from the management for successful results. The manager needs to do most of the work as excessive planning and participation is required by the manager so that the team follows accordingly.

The following roles and responsibilities of the manager with reference to the implementation of change are worth highlighting:

Team Leader and Player

Since accepting changes within the ways of working is not an easy task, the employees need more of a team player and leader rather than an authoritarian imposing orders and restrictions. Therefore, for the change implementation to be successful and acceptable, the manager needs to play with the team and take things ahead with the team's psychology in mind (Dyer, Dyer & Dyer, 2013).

Presenter of Possibilities

It is responsibility of the manager to convey and present the possible improvements that could be achieved through the implementation of the proposed change.

Provision of Guidance

The employees would most certainly not understand what to do and how to do until and unless a professional provides guidance to them. Therefore, before implementing the changes within the system, the manager first needs to completely study the implied changes and develop training activities for the staff beforehand.

Handling Staff's Resistance to Changes

It is human nature to ask questions and resist to changes. The reason behind this is that the human mind believes in working within a settled system of operations. Moreover, when changes are proposed for implementation, the employees would naturally resist and try their best that things do not change.

However, at this point in time, the manager would come into play as the manager has the responsibility of developing plans for ...
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