Implementation Of The Iom Report

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Implementation of the IOM report

Implementation of the IOM report


As the country looks for significant changes in the health care sector to cater to the growing needs of the uninsured American and provide high quality and cost effective care to an ageing population. The situation creates a unique chance to give information, insight and control on the role of nurses in the future. Nurses are at the core of the operations of the health care sector and are an essential part of the total medical workforce. It is necessary for the nurses to develop skills and knowledge that is necessary to counter the growing needs of the medical field.


The Institute of Medicine (IOM) in collaboration with the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) is going to take a major step in the future of nursing. The initiative will begin from a major study that will develop a report on the change in the future of nursing. The IOM committee will determine a clear plan and goals for action which will also consist of reforms in the institutional polices at the national, state and local stages. The committee will recommend a number of system reforms, including creative ways to make the health care quality system better and cater to the concern of shortfall of nurses across the country. The recommendations will cover many aspects in the field and attempt to indicate the significant duties of the nurses in formulating and enforcing a more effective and efficient health care model. The goal is to integrate the technologies in such a manner that it increases the contribution and improves the service delivery of the nurses. The nurses have an important role in the overall successful operations of the hospital. The target market for the initiatives will cover the national policy drafters, educational and research institutes, medical societies, state and regional leaders and license awarding bodies (Sochalsk & Weiner, 2011).

The IOM report on the future of nursing covers many important aspects. It talks about improving the nursing education system in order to promote better educated nurses. There is a need to revisit the curriculum that is being taught currently, and it needs to be updated in accordance with the current needs of the patients and changes in the science and technology. There is a need to improve the decision making skills of the nurses in relation to the making critical decisions in the practical domain.

The entry level for the nurses, through the degrees and the qualifications need to change to make provisions for stricter criteria. There needs to increase the level of qualifications to increase the quality of the overall nurse workforce. The higher the qualifications a nurse has the better professionals will enter the field and contribute to the industry. There is a need for the nursing schools and other bodies to be able to recruit members of the minority and ethnic groups and men to diversify the profession.

There is a need to indentify the obstacles to the entry of this profession ...
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