Implement Food Safety Procedures

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Implement Food Safety Procedures

Implement Food Safety Procedures


Food is a necessary element for maintaining the quality of health. It is necessary to know about the value of food in our life. Packaged food or frozen food is now becomes common all over the world. In this busy life no one has the time to cook food on daily basis. The theme of this paper is based on food safety procedures or from what ways food can be preserved for future use in Australia (Henderson, 2013). It is a scientific procedure of describing preparation, storage, and handling of food on ways that prevent sickness. It includes precautionary measures to preserve food items for future.

The preservation duration differs from different food items. It is also necessary to preserve food items according to their preservation duration because it may harm the freshness of other food items also (Wilson, 2013). Contamination is the transfer of any harmful or objectionable material or sustenance to food. Mostly common contamination types are, physical contamination (includes wood, glass, plastic, hair, metal fragments, and insects), microbiological contamination include spoilage bacteria, bacteria of food poisoning, yeasts, moulds, and chemical contamination includes pesticide residues, cleaning materials, and body spray.



It is an implementation model of Brumby's Bakeries. It is a series of retail bakerires founded in 1975 in Malbourne, Australia. Brumby's Bakeries is operating their business in different cities of Australia and deals in different products (Stephens, 2013). Packaged food items are also available at this store. The implementation of food safety procedures begins with the construction of contamination free environment. It includes analysis of hazards information and also identifies which hazard can be controlled or not.

It is necessary to determine the level of danger of hazard like whether it is necessary to evaluate it or it will be overcome with time. Conduct a thorough analysis of the history of hazard and determine that whether it is important to tackle this issue or not (Wilson, 2013). If the hazard is control able than put all efforts to minimize the effect of this hazard. Establishment of hazard monitoring system may lessen the affects of hazards faced by food storage industry.

Preparation, Display and Service

Some necessary procedures have to be followed by food professional to prepare, display food and provide service to customers. It is necessary for food handlers to cover any cuts in their body and wash hands with proper hygienic solution before handling food products. Some synthesizers are also available in the market which can also be used to clean hands. Chopping boards and knives should kept separate for food items.

Meat and fish should not be wash in same container and use separate towel in order to dry both meat items (Wilson, 2013). It is important to wash all vegetables before cutting or cocking because farmers use different pesticides to preserve vegetables or field from insects. Frozen food is preserved on a certain temperature which should be maintained in order to preserve meat ...
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