United States is an important country for the whole world. It is in the interest of every country to develop strategic ties with the United States to make sure that are able to operate in the world peacefully and effectively. It is important for the people to know that United States plays a vital role in the world today and has importance in the overall working of the world. Every country has a different image of the United States, and this paper will analyze how the country is portrayed in one of the national newspapers of Pakistan, The Dawn.
The articles are taken from the newspaper, The Dawn, that were published in 2011 and 2012, thus they tell us of the image of the country in the current times. The ties of Pakistan and United States were good till the past year; however, they have changed due to certain incidents. The shift in the image of the United States is evident in the articles that were published in 2011 as compared to those published in 2012.
The articles presented in this paper talk about the ties that the country has with United States and that help the country to make sure that it continues its ties with United States. The image of United States in Pakistan is not very good. The reason behind this is that the influence of United States is huge on Pakistan and they have made sure that they control the entire operations of Pakistan. The policies, the steps that the government all of them are influenced by the United States which is why the people of the country are unhappy with America.
Another reason for the negative image is the terms and conditions on which America ...