Illegal Immigration

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Illegal Immigration

Illegal Immigration


The topic that is the subject of this paper is 'the impact of illegal immigration on American society, economy and job markets'. Illegal immigration has been a serious issue in America and among many Americans. in fact, the issue is so widely debated that it has gained political importance in recent years. As a result, the popularity of many American electoral candidates has rested heavily on their stance on the sensitive issue of illegal immigrants. While a majority of Americans believe that illegal immigrants have had what is propagated to be a largely negative effect on the American society and the American economy, certain independent contemporary researches by critical thinkers have helped to highlight the positive effects that illegal immigration has had on the national economy as well as society. The primary research for the paper has been conducted using a wide range of peer-reviewed resource material that provides a deeper insight into the topic and helps the analyzer to assess the works using critical thought. The topic has been selected mainly because of the fact that it has been the subject of much debate and controversy over the past decades. The aim of this paper is mainly to determine and establish whether the illegal immigration has had a largely positive, negative or neutral impact on the United States. For this purpose, an array of literary sources have been referred to in order to form a neutral and objective opinion on the topic.

Thesis Statement

Contrary to the widely held conception that illegal and undocumented immigrants cause an unprecedented increase in socio-economic issues, there is ample evidence to suggest that illegal immigration may also have a positive impact on the Unites States socially as well as economically.

Annotated Bibliography

Grossman, J. (1984). Illegal Immigrants And Domestic Employment. Industrial & Labor Relations Review, 37(2), 240-251.

This paper adopts a critical thinking perspective in assessing the impact that illegal immigration into the United States has had on the domestic job market and employment. The paper starts by developing and testing a general equilibrium model that explores some popular allegations made against illegal immigrants. That illegal immigrants limit the job opportunities in the local market is a commonly held belief among native-born Americans. The paper explores why such negative sentiment exists among Americans. It also explores whether it is actually true that illegal immigrant affect the job market and limit the number of job opportunities for local Americans. The paper uses a simulation model to determine the effect that a substantial increase in the level of illegal immigrants has on domestic employment. The model helps to prove that the distribution of immigrants among industries is crucial when it comes to assessing the impact that they have on the local employment rate. The paper takes the example of the agricultural service sector where illegal immigrants roughly have a two-thirds majority. By applying critical thought to the simulation model, the paper analyzes the effect that a substantial increase in the number of illegal immigrants has on domestic ...
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