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IHRM - International Human Resource Management

Table of Contents


Importance of international human resource management (IHRM)2

Functions of international human resource management (IHRM)3

Major roles of international human resource management (IHRM)3

Introduction to Nokia Corporation5

Aims of the study6


“Best Practice” human resource systems within the Nokia Corporation6

Level of fit between the company's overall international human resources strategy and the needs of the company in the international market8

Recruitment and selection8

Training and development10

Performance management and performance evaluation11

Employee relations12





IHRM - International Human Resource Management


With the increase in globalization all around the world, the trends of conducting the business has changed to great extent. The changes in the business trends have developed various challenges and opportunities to the companies. The globalization has also caused the competition to great extent among the companies in the industry. The increase in competition has given most critical challenges to the companies. In order to be competitive among the competitors in the industries, the companies are required to maintain their great performances by managing the costs and qualities. All the aspects of the business processes depend upon performances of the human resources of the organization. Particularly the success of the companies and the attainment of competitive position of the company greatly depend upon the way the company's human resource management manages its employees.

The human resource management has significant impact upon the business processes and it assists the managers and leaders of the company to manage their employees in an efficient and effective manner (Barry A. F., 2007, pp. 164). The human resources management plays an important role in the effective management of the employees and effective human resources management system develops the motivation and devotion within the employees towards their work that has direct and significant impact upon overall performances of the business.

Importance of international human resource management (IHRM)

The international human resource management serves as the main function in retaining the business operation in the international market. The international human resource management is defined as the management system that performs the functions of allocation and the effective utilization of the human resources of the company (Peter, J. D., Marionm F. and Allen, D. E., 2008, pp. 64). The model of international human resource management particularly involves the management of the different types of employees in the different types of countries.

Functions of international human resource management (IHRM)

The major functions in which the international human resource management plays an important role involves the following five areas of the human resources (Mustafa O., 2005, pp. 64).

Recruitment and selection

Training and development

Performance management and performance evaluation


Employee relations

The major functions of the international human resource management are same as that of the domestic human resource management. The speciality of the international human resource management is that it deals with the expatriate employees who are to be treated differently so as to make them adjust in the company's business culture and to enhance their work performances and efficiency.

Major roles of international human resource management (IHRM)

The major roles that IHRM play involve the ...
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