Provide incentives on attainment of performance goals19
Conpensation Sstrategies
Task A: Selection of the topic
Conpensation Sstrategies
Task B: Annotated bibliography of 10 sources
A-1 Source Title:
1. International Human Resource Management: Managing People in a Multinational Context
B-1 APA Citations ( full and In-text):
Dowling, P.J, Welch, D.E., and Schuler, R.S. (1999). International Human Resource Management: Managing People in a Multinational Context, (3rd ed.). Cincinnati, OH: South-Western College Publishing.
[Enter in-text citation]
(Dowling, Welch and Schuler 1999, 52-96)
C-1 Annotation Notes:
This is an advanced undergraduate or graduate textbook of use for International Human Resource Management (IHRM). It covers all of the functional areas of HRM in the international arena, including the organization context of the MNE's international expansion path and its relation to HR considerations, the relationship between firm strategy and IHRM strategy, International Recruitment and Selection, Performance Management (including performance evaluation), Training and Development, International Compensation and Benefits, Repatriation, International and Comparative Labor Relations, and trends and special developments in IHRM. The book explores the special complexities that differentiate domestic from international HRM practices.
A-2 Source Title:
Readings & Cases In International Human Resource Management
B-2 APA Citations ( full and In-text):
Oddou, G. (2000). Readings & Cases In International Human Resource Management Mendenhall, Readings & Cases In International Human Resource Management, (3rd ed.). Ontario, Canada: South-Western College Publishing.
[Enter in-text citation]
(Oddou, 2000, 102-369)
C-2 Annotation Notes:
This is an upper-division undergraduate or graduate reader and text to use in an International Human Resource Management (IHRM) course. Rather than approach all of the functional areas of IHRM, the book is organized into sections covering the following critical topics: The Context of IHRM; Strategy and IHRM; Staffing for International Operations; Management Development; Performance Appraisal and Compensation; Labor and Employee Relations Cross-Cultural Issues in Productivity and Quality; HR Issues in International Joint Ventures; and Managing Expatriate Assignments. Both cases and readings by noted scholars in the IHRM field are used to explore these topics.
A-3 Source Title:
The Financial Information Content of Perceived Quality,
B-3 APA Citations ( full and In-text):
Aaker, David A. and Robert Jacobson (1994), "The Financial Information Content of Perceived Quality," Journal of Marketing Research, 31, (May), 191-201.
[Enter in-text citation]
(Aaker Robert, 1994, 191-201)
C-3 Annotation Notes:
One aspect of R&D that many firms try to measure is the impact that R&D has on the improvement of the quality of the firm's products. This paper examines whether one can measure quality and whether that measure has an effect on profit. Specifically, the paper describes a stock-market analysis which indicates that a perceived measure of quality has a significant effect on stock price above and beyond current-period ROI and advertising. Advertising is not significant.
A-4 Source Title:
Innovation in Large and Small Firms
B-4 APA Citations ( full and In-text):
Acs, Zoltan. J. and David. B. Audretsch (1987), "Innovation in Large and Small Firms," Review of Economics and Statistics, 69, 567-575.
[Enter in-text citation]
(Zoltan, Audretsch, 1987, 567-575)
C-4 Annotation Notes:
A test of the Schumpeterian Hypothesis (large firms are more innovative, imperfect ...