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Critical Review of an Academic Journal Article

Critical Review of an Academic Journal Article


Globalization has played a significant role in the success and growth of organizations, by expanding their opportunities. This expansion has been possible to achieve due to the advancement in information technology and communications. While, on one hand, globalization has provided lot of opportunities for the organization, the expansion of such organizations in unfamiliar territories has also posed a greater challenge for them. One of the biggest challenges is the management of human resource across the globe. This phenomenon of managing human resource in global environment is also known as International Human Resource Management. However, before going into detail about this phenomenon, one must be able to understand that what actually Human Resource Management is.

Human resource management, by its name, describes the management of diverse nature of people within an organization. The people responsible for managing the staff and labor of organization are known as human resource personnel (Coyle-Shapiro, et.al, 2011). In general, their responsibilities include hiring quality human resource for the organization, providing them the required training, assessing their performance, and rewarding those individuals with outstanding performances.

Due to globalization, the role of human resource professionals has become a lot more challenging. They have to focus on the strategic aspects of talent management. This is supported by their succession plan for the individuals employed in an organization, from the top to the bottom. They also need to take care of the industrial and labor laws of the country where the organization has expanded its business (Dowling, Festing, & Engle, 2008). Furthermore, the cultural diversity also plays a significant part in defining the role of professionals in international human resource management.

This paper is based on providing a critical review on the academic journal based on the topic of international human resource management. This includes assumptions made by the author in the article, research methods used, their appropriateness, and evidence presented in the article. Furthermore, a comparison will be drawn for the selected article against the articles of similar topic. Lastly, the validity of overall argument of the author will be assessed.

Summary of the Article

The article selected for the critical review is titled as “Towards an Ethical Research Agenda for International HRM: The Possibilities of a Plural Cosmopolitan Framework”. This article is written by Maddy Janssens and Chris Steyaert, and is published on 2012. The article is aimed at providing an insight about the agenda of ethical research that is being faced in the field of international HRM. It discusses about the impact of diverse political conditions in the countries around the globe, and their role in the development of the multinational companies, in the context of HRM practices and the ethical stance that need to take in their overall business processes.

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