Identify The Major Hr Challenges Facing Organizations And Managers

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Identify the major HR challenges facing organizations and managers

Dated June 9, 2009

To whom it may concern

As organizations based on different cultural diversity aspects therefore a need is required to research on the different challenges faced by different generations in a workforce diversity context. I as a HR manager will suggest needs and desires of the different generations.

A generation is defined by demographics and key life-events that shape, at least to some degree, distinctive generational characteristics. Although sources disagree on the exact birthdates that define each generation, there is a consensus that employees over 60 in 2006 belong to the Traditionalist generation. Those in their mid-40s to 60 are Baby Boomers. Employees in their late 20s to early 40s are Generation X. The new generation entering the workplace, in their early 20s or younger, is generally called Generation Y.

Cultural generational changes create trends that can be noticed over time. Looking at the background and characteristics of each generation can be useful in understanding the distinctive talents and challenges each individual brings to the workplace, as well as identifying long-range trends that are changing the culture of the workplace. There appear to be distinctive trends toward dual-career families and an interest in having flexible work arrangements that help employees achieve balance between their work and family life.

Traditionalists may be credited with the typical work environment, where individuals work in the office from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., along with frequent evening and weekend work and extended work hours during tax season. Traditionalists are frugal, hard-working conformists who respect authority and put duty before pleasure. They spent most of their careers with one or two employers. Nonworking wives typically tended to family matters to support the long hours husbands spent at the office. Although they are steadily retiring from the workforce, Traditionalists remain connected and influential.

Having been raised by Traditionalist parents, Baby Boomers entered the workplace with a strong work ethic, but also as dual-career couples, with highly educated women working alongside men. Baby Boomers value personal growth, hard work, individuality, and equality of the sexes. They question authority and have led a trend toward less-hierarchical work structures. They have had smaller families and enjoyed affluent lifestyles that led to their being labeled the “Me Generation.” With this comes a trend away from long-term relationships, both personal (through divorce and second marriages) and professional (through multiple employers, downsizing, reengineering, and second careers). Boomers are 30% of the population, but represent the heart of today's management. They are leading a trend toward delayed retirement, with nearly 80% wanting to work at least part-time during retirement.

As children of the Baby Boomers, Generation Xers saw the toll that having both parents trying to “have it all” took on the family, and they are working to change it. They are a relatively small generation, sometimes called the “baby bust.” They are self-reliant, optimistic, and confident. They value education, independence, and parenting above ...
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