Challenges Facing Supply Chain Control (Scc) In Multinational Organizations

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Challenges Facing Supply Chain Control (SCC) in Multinational Organizations


Table of contents


3.1 Causes of Financial Challenges4

Cause of financial challenges in ASM-Steel13

Cause of financial challenges in JCB14

3.2. Causes Of Managerial Challenges22

3.3 Causes Of Social Challenges35



Corporate social responsibility department51

Involvement of financial institution like banks52

4.1 Recommendations54

4.1.1 Recommendation For Financial Challenges54

4.1.2 Recommendations for managerial challenges58

4.1.3 Recommendations for social challenges61

4.2 Meeting the Research Objective64

4.2.1 Research objectives64

4.2.2 objective 164

4.2.3 Objective 265

4.2.4 Objective 365

4.2.5 Objective 466

4.3 Limitations Of The Research68

4. 4 Suggestion for further research68



Chapter three will be based on the intervention and the analysis of the data that been reviewed in the literature with a short introduction showing the connection between financial, managerial and social challenges in multinational organizations. It also aims to deliver the intervention like the responsibilities of the department in organizations like social changes, involvement of institution like banks and the use and the role of hedging polices. Then it will start with the analysis of the main causes of financial challenges from ASM-Steel and JCB perspectives and showing the similarities between them regarding the main aspect of intervention already review in literature. Furthermore, a similar approach will be followed in both managerial and social challenges to identify the main causes. The chapter concludes with a short summary.


In today's economy, in order to be competitive, it is very important to build a resilient, reliable, flexible and responsive SC and to effectively control the supply chains. However from the previous chapter, we have seen that many challenges facing SCC had an impact on the entire SC performance. This leads to the disturbance in the whole process of SC resulting in the treat to the sustainability of supply chain. Much literature has discussed these challenges as been showed. These challenges are dynamic and can be seen from different perspectives. However the common factor between all of them is that they all have some degree of unpredictability.

This degree of unpredictability in SCC increased the risk within the SC framework dramatically. In fact most of today's SCs are groups of firms operating together in one framework. And each firm operates in a completely different region. This even increased the degree of unpredictability within SCC as firms cannot see what happing in other markets. As a result firms cannot be resilient, reliable, flexible and responsive to the changes, which reduced their competitiveness. Since all these firms operate in a single framework, therefore, they are all connected together. This increases the impact, as all the actions in the firm are closely connected. Even the most carefully controlled SC like Boeing and Primark SCs are greatly affected by some of the above challenges as been seen earlier.

From the previous chapter one can see that Boeing has been affected by lack of communication in their SC. This caused delays and added more cost to the project. Also Primark had been hit hardly by their lack of social responsibilities in their SC, as some of their local and Indian suppliers broke the required ...
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