Ict In Education

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ICT in education, Innovation vs. Use

ICT in education, Innovation vs. Use


The modern technologies and tools have given an opportunity to teachers to explore new possibilities. At the same time, the technological advancement has placed more demands on instructors on how to learn the new and advanced technological tools in their teaching profession (Watts, 2005, pp. 209).

The development of ICT and its tools have a positive impact on the teachers and their teaching methodology. ICT has helped teachers in reducing isolation, as teachers can communicate electronically with their colleagues and fulfill the educational needs of people living in the remote areas (Lambert & Morgan, 2010, pp. 25). Information, knowledge and skills, education and learning are connected to the society and its evolution.

Now days, teaching cannot be delivered in the traditional way, as it used to be few years back. With the development of ICT, way of teaching and learning has been dramatically changed. The quick and drastic changes brought by ICT have a strong impact on nature and structure of teaching (Watts, 2005, pp. 209). On the other hand, pupils themselves have also changed and evolved. The education system and teachers must adapt to the new tools and techniques to teach the new generation of pupils.

Now youngsters and the new generation have new abilities and skills regarding information and technology. Certainly, education and teaching sector has to take into account the technological factors, particularly at the time, when pupils seem to have more (Carnoy, 2002, pp. 35).ICT has provided opportunities and enhanced international collaboration in education and teaching sector.


With the development of various technological tools, ICT has become very essential and significant for teachers and are helpful for teaching and learning. In order to use ICT tools effectively, teachers need to understand the vision of technologies and should identify the appropriate opportunities to apply them. This is the only way; teachers can be informed and confident in their use of new technologies (Bayliss & Collins, 2007, pp. 65)

ICT in Geography

Geography is one of the most important course and curriculum, which is teacher to students in all primary and secondary schools. Students graduating from schools require knowledge from geography in order to be an informed citizen of their nation. They also require enhancing their attitude and skills that will encourage them to use their knowledge in responsible manner. Geography is one of the curriculums that need to be enhanced so that children can acquire knowledge about their nation (Kitchen, 2010, pp. 118)

The main problem observed while teaching geography to students is the inadequate preparation of lesson, limited engagement of students and insufficient match between pupils and the teacher. Many geography instructors underestimate their contribution in the learning process of students. On the other hand, the lessons and course outlines of geography are not well enough focused and the key learning points are not understandable by the pupils. Many students and pupils don't even understand the objectives of the lesson (Lambert & Balderstone, 2009, ...
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