Humans Resources Management

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Humans Resources Management

Humans Resource Management


This work aims to strengthen the Human Resources Department in its administrative area through the integration of technology, communication, training, organization, and so may reward better service to both the company and customers and in turn achieve the objectives of both the department and the company in general. An organization is a pattern of relationships through which people, under the command of Managers pursue common goals. These goals are the result of the decision-making process called Planning. The administrators develop goals because planning often ambitious long range and without definite end. In turn, the goal is to develop innovations within the department human, so there are no so many problems that often has led some companies to close not only by lack of money, but sometimes the little training that employees have the operation of the company. This is where research on how to get new innovations within this field, as indicated above is the one who moves the company. The value given to research is that employees feel comfortable and satisfied in your area work, and so there is an excellent service to the customer which is the second part of the sum importance within an organization (Wright, 2008). 

The Department of Human Resources (HR) is in the Administration planning, organization, development and coordination as well as also controls techniques, capable of promoting efficient performance of staff. Human Resources should be considered as the largest investment the company makes to improve different aspects of your organization. There are certain questions that can be answered according to the HRM criteria on any organization (Wilson, 2009).


Resources of the firm can include all assets, capabilities, organizational processes, firm attributes, information and knowledge. In short resources can be considered as inputs that facilitate the organization to perform its activities. All resources that an organization has may not have strategic relevance. Only certain resources are capable of being an input to a value creating strategy which put the organization in a position of competitive advantage. An organization's resource should have four attributes to provide the potential for competitive advantage.

Example of a firm


To understand it better, HRM practices at Wal-Mart is focus to give the clear view. In the 1950s, Wal-Mart started with few discount stores situated only in small and rural towns. From the beginning, Sam Walton has built a culture with low-cost products, a unique value culture where value are preferential to luxury. Nowadays, Wal-Mart is the most valuable firm in the world. According to the 2008 Fortune 500 index, Wal-Mart Stores Inc. is the number one retailer. In 2008, Wal-Mart stores, Inc. possessed 971 discount stores, 2447 supercenters, 591 Sam's Clubs, and 132 Neighborhood Markets in America. Wal-Mart in addition operates overseas, in 12 countries that include Canada, Mexico, UK and China. No other company has been growing to achieve such rapid growth as Wal-Mart due to its specific management, high technology and superior logistics.

Everywhere, Wal-Mart is admired like a ...
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