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An Ideal Government

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An Ideal Government

Thr?ugh?ut the hist?ry ?f the w?rld, there have been many different f?rms ?f g?vernment, ranging fr?m m?narchies, dictat?rships, republics, and even anarchy. Respectively each ?f these g?vernments has their g??d p?ints and bad p?ints. I believe that a g?vernment where the pe?ple ch??se wh? is in p?wer and has a say in everyday p?litical decisi?ns is the best g?vernment available. I myself kn?w that living under a g?vernment that c?ntr?ls where I live, the j?b I have , the cl?thes I wear and the religi?n that I practice, such as was a case in c?mmunist Russia is n?t f?r me. It w?uld be wr?ng t? assume that any g?vernment in t?day's w?rld is perfect. If I had my ch?ice in a g?vernment I w?uldn't just ch??se just ?ne. Rather it w?uld be a c?mp?site ?f all the g??d p?ints ?f vari?us ?ther g?vernments. First and f?rem?st my ideal g?vernment w?uld ?ne ?f the pe?ple f?r the pe?ple. T? me, if the public c?uld n?t take part in the decisi?ns that effect their everyday life, and w?uld just have life altering decisi?ns made f?r them, w?uld n?t make sense. I w?uld want t? kn?w that I had a say in what g?es ?n my c?mmunity and c?untry. Because ?f these feeling I w?uld like all electi?ns t? be direct reflecti?ns ?f the p?pulati?ns.

A senat?r w?uld stay in ?ffice f?r n? m?re than six years and a c?ngressman w?uld stay in ?ffice n? l?nger than 2 years. This keeps any ?ne branch fr?m gaining t?? much p?wer ?ver the ?thers ?r ?ver the pe?ple it g?verns. The Secretary ?f H?using and Urban Devel?pment w?uld ?versees the federal agency that creates ?pp?rtunities f?r h?me ?wnership; creates, rehabilitates and maintain the nati?ns aff?rdable h?using; pr?vides h?using assistance f?r l?w-inc?me pers?ns; helps the h?meless and enf?rces the nati?ns fair h?using laws. My executive cabinet w?uld c?nsist ?f Secretary ?f Agriculture, Secretary ?f C?mmerce, Secretary ?f Defense, Secretary ?f Educati?n, Secretary ?f Energy, Secretary ?f Health and Human Services, Secretary ?f H?using and Urban Devel?pment, Secretary ?f Interi?r, Secretary ?f state, Secretary ?f Transp?rtati?n, Secretary ?f Treasury, Secretary ?f Veterans Affairs and the Att?rney General. , t?bacc? and HIV preventi?n eff?rts, T elevate the quality ?f public health practice in the pr?fessi?nal disciplines thr?ugh the advancement ?f appr?priate standards and research pri?rities, articulate scientifically based health p?licy analysis and advice t? the President and the Secretary ?f Health and Human Services (HHS) ?n the full range ?f critical public health, medical, and health system issues facing the Nati?n.

The Elect?ral C?llege is the b?dy that actually v?tes f?r the president, n?t the pe?ple. Their p?wers w?uld include passing laws, establishing the g?vernment's budget, c?nfirming executive app?intments, ratifying treaties, investigating the executive branch, impeaching and rem?ving fr?m ?ffice members ?f the executive and judiciary, and redressing c?nstituents' grievances. Th?se elected t? v?te are n?t mandated t? v?te al?ng party lines and c?uld g? against the ...
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