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Once the old institutions collapse, there is no assurance that extra human-centered structures will restore them. Conservatives have their individual thoughts concerning how the fresh world should be structured, and it's not beautiful. That is why we all must take part in the modification of society-to make sure that human principles return the values of the old leaders. As demolition is also foundation, the methods we utilize to drag down the ruins will decide what type of world arises from the wreckage. Our efforts should not be totally political because political revolutions plainly carry intense authority into new hands, to a certain extent than disperse it. In addition, political consideration is not often innovative: political change frequently originates from social circumstances, rather than the other mode approximately. In spite of political rebellion, our objective should be social revolution. Social revolution is nothing more than an amendment in the manner we live our lives. It springs from changes in the way we feel.


Over the past 50 years, there have been many changes within the social movement in the United States. Some of these changes have been for the better and some not so great. These changes were made with the hopes and dreams of making life better for all cultures, species, families, and environment. Now the question is, how did these change come about, and what were these changes about, and were these changes in favor of the people or not or were they actually going to create a big mess in the society?

In the late 1950's and early 1960's, thing began to make a change for the African- American citizens. The Civil Rights movement started as a move to improve the life and well-being of all African-Americans citizens. For year's African-American children had to ride buses to their school outside of town, when just down the street from where the children lived was a school however, this school only accepted white children. In 1951, Brown v Board of Education was a trial about segregation of African-American children and white schools, and this started the end to Racial Segregation, as it was considered unconstitutional. In 1955, an elder African-American woman named Ms. Rosa Parks was not willing to give up her seat on a city bus to a white man, and because of this, Ms. Parks was arrested and fined for not following the law that governed all Africa-American people. Ms Parks stand against discrimination is what gave encouragement to other African-American citizens to take a stand, starting with the boycott of all city buses by African-Americans citizens. In 1957, there was a great African-American man whose name was Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and two other men with him started the Southern Christian Leadership Conference organization, (SCLC). This organization was a major force in the Civil Rights Movement and Mr. King Jr. wanted the movement to be civilized and non-violent. Dr. Kings Jr. words (Brunner & Haney (2007)) to all African-American citizens was, "We must forever conduct our struggle on ...
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