Human Resources Management

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Human Resources Management

Human Resources Management

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The continuous learning and development of individuals is of crucial strategic importance not only to that individual but also to the organization and society discuss.

The development of the individuals at work is a crucial matte that has to be catered by the companies in order to aim for success. The corporate strategy must ensure the continuous and persistent efforts of the manager to train their employees. Managing human capital is a challenge for the companies to form the required skills and to carry out their organizational procedures more efficiently. Leaders and managers know that human resources are actually their chance of creating a competitive edge for them in the market. The more trained individuals are at work, the better are the chances to achieve the set targets. The prosperous organizations adopt cycle of growth in order to encourage and continue the process of need analysis among the employees. In this cycle growth and change are the persistent factors that remain the active part of the procedures. However, the magnitude of individual learning receives the due emphasis from the top management like CEO's of the companies. The strategic planning of the organization must cater the need for development since it will expect to have the consumption of required resources. Moreover, it is not the debate of individual or organizational development; it is all about the development of the skills that employees should have to carry out their assigned task in an improved manner. The prime aim is to expand the productivity of the individuals and teams (Collin, 2002, pp.274-300).

The employees today are concerned if their organization is offering them fair chances of development so they should be able to advance and progress within the company. The recruiters are well aware of this apprehension and ...
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