Human Resources Management

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Human Resources Management

Human Resources Management


To be legitimate, the Human Resources Department must contribute to the economic life of the company and talk to the principal directions in a genuine dialogue. The concept of "business partner" highlights the ability of the human resources department to promote business Development Company, interested to know the business and its internal customers, and maintain with them a de facto report "solution provider" to internal client. The Director of Human Resources includes increasing this dimension in its activities and prepares it forms, including its staff to fulfil this mission with internal consulting business.

This ability to communicate "high level" and talk "strategy and business" with senior management and other company departments, said raising the level of initial training required. The dual training (human resources and business school or engineering school) and are greatly appreciated. For a director of human resources, financial and economic culture is now as important as the human resources expertise.


"Human Resource Management involves the planning, organization, development and coordination, as well as technical control, capable of promoting the efficient performance of staff, while the organization represents the means by which people collaborate it achieve individual goals directly or indirectly with the work."

A civil service is taken as either a public or civil servant working for a government organization or the whole body of employees working in that organization. The purpose of which is to serve the civilians of the state. Military is not included in civil servicing organizations.

The pay packages of civil servants are usually lower than public sector which results in loss of many skilled workers in the long run. When people become civil servants, they work to gain experience and then switch to public sectors. This causes the availability of many trained workers for the public sector.

Although average wages of civil servants is ...
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