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The Human Resources Management and Payroll Cycle

The Human Resources Management and Payroll Cycle


All the organisations working throughout the globe have to deal with the Human Resource functions and Payroll functions; no matter it is a big or small firm all has to deal with it. Both of these functions are also outsourced if the requirement is felt for doing so, but still there are so many organisations are still reluctant to do so entirely. These outsourcings are due to different reasons like for saving the cost being incurred, hedging the risk element, loss of control, or other issues which are probable to be occurred including the political and trade union related issues. On the other hand, all of these fears can be groundless, but there no surety for such happening. There are so many HRM strategies and procedures which are formulated specially for dealing with issues like absenteeism and various such factors which are important for the organisations and the people who are related to the organisation as well.

In this paper the organisation which is being discussed in a very thorough manner is the Skip-rope manufacturing company. This company has not opted for any kind of outsourcing and it totally depending on itself and with the people who are associated with it.

General issues in the entire HRM/ payroll cycle

Are there any sorts of issues faced by the company regarding the inaccurate or invalid master data?

Skip-rope manufacturing Company is not facing any sort of trouble when it comes on any sort of inaccurate or invalid master data. This is being said by keeping the fact in consideration that the company is keeping is maintaining the master data in a very good manner. This is been done by implementing integrity controls on the data processing. All the data which is being entered is done through making all the procedure totally electronic and by making everything null and void and understandable for the people who are handling it. The company is maintaining systems in which all the employees have to entre there card which are given to the all the employees with bar codes deployed on it.

Only the individual who has the card is allowed to enter the door of the organization. In case there is any sort of misplacement than the employee has to give a formally application and then the entry will allowed after concerning with the authority. The data which is feed through this is directly given to the payroll department and they continue the matter by having the look on the time of entering the premises and also the time of departure each day.

In case of issue s like theft of the card or its misplacement there is off course some time required to give any other card to the employee and if the process is taking time than the discrepancy is entered though a proper channel which is posting an electronic email to the HR an payroll ...
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