Human Resources

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Human Resources

Human Resources


With the recent actions and laws appearing in the United Kingdom, the external and internal pressure of those actions is affecting workers in the Trade union. This report investigates the recent decline of the union membership as well give possible reason for this decline in the last 50 years. It analyses old and recent strike, to forecast the best solution as well the reason the conflict began in first place, and shows a PEST analyses of changes in the surrounding of the union. Then a strategy is set, considering the leadership in the union and the transformation of the organization to a better recruitment method and learning organizations. The second part sees the, procedure of changing, if the union does not agree on the strategies mentioned, it still can make use of the steps to change for their own unknown strategies. This report refreshes the memory of union actions, by making clear the correlation with the past and present, advising a potential strategy to be used and the benefits of changing with the help of theories and school of thoughts.Human Resources


It is obvious that in the present situation the widespread violation of labor laws and the constant expansion of violations of workers' rights, the empowerment of unions control functions and a kind of "arbitration" are important. However, the question remains about the ability of unions to deal with the responsibilities assigned to them cited federal law (Hock, 2010, pp 12-34).

The destruction of the state monopoly of the means of production, the transition of the economy to market relations suggested, including, and change the position of trade unions in social dialogue. At the beginning of radical economic change was assumed that the transition from the formal to the real defending the interests of workers, the center of gravity in the activities of trade unions at all levels will move in the direction of protection of labor rights. But now, after eight years of transition to a market economy, we can say that these expectations have been largely exaggerated. At least at the level of grass-roots trade union organizations implementing social benefits remain the main activity of trade unions in the workplace. And despite the fact that in recent years, an increased need to change the role of trade unions in enterprises, enhances their efforts to protect workers' rights, the process is slower than we would like.

The Research Field

The first research area of importance here is industrial relations and organisation of workers. For a long time, although with important exceptions, workers' organisation within employment has been focused on the trade union structures which emerged as a response to Taylorism and transatlantic Fordism of the early to mid-20thcentury. Both political unionism, especially linked to its various versions in Western Europe (militant and corporative) and business unionism, often linked to the US, have in recent decades been analyzed as being in crisis, and trade union movements have been looking to new ways of doing business with an increasing focus on ...
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