Human Resources

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Human resources, fun police or Employee champion?

Human resources, fun police or Employee champion?


Importance of Human resource management cannot be denied at all as it is the major department in a business organisation that is involved in planning, organising, coordinating and controlling the overall organisational resources. The major activities of human resource management are recruitment and selection, training and development, performance management, organisational management, compensation and benefits and other activities in which retention of quality employees are made possible. Employees are the most important resources of the organisation without which an organisation cannot exist (Milkovich and Boudereau, 2010: pp. 133-139).

Human resource management is an essential activity that helps the managers in managing human resources according to the organisational demands and mission. Those organisations that have analyzed the importance of human resource management know what it means to an organisation. Without human resource management an organisational setup cannot be maintained at all. As controlling human resources according to the organisational demand is not an easy task at all.

Role of Recruitment and Selection

Recruitment and selection is an initial step of human resource management. In which the human resource department is involved in hiring new employees according to the available vacant positions in the organisational hierarchal levels. Once the positions are identified the next step is posting of advertisement for the job is required. Recruitment is a process in which the applications are generated and the selection is the next step in which the best and appropriate candidate is selected among the pool of candidate that have been picked from a large pool. Recruiting of employees is very costly; therefore it should be properly planned out in advance. Recruitment is a process that should ensure the organisations that they are hiring the right candidate for the right job and at the right time (Cohn, 2005, p.62).

The main thing that is required from the human resources is their productivity in the form of performance. If the human resource department is able to hire an employee that is giving good performance and is able to contribute effectively towards then organisational mission, then it proves that recruitment and selection process has been successfully executed. An organisation cannot perform any of its functions without the effective support of human resources; this is the main reason that beside advanced technology the need for quality human resources is highly required (Milkovich and Boudereau, 2010: pp. 133-139). Recruitment process is based on interviews, group discussions, personality tests, cognitive tests and various other tests that help in selection of the best candidate for the positions.

Role of Training and Development

One of the most important aspects of human resource management after recruitment and selection is training and development. Just after the hiring of a new candidate for the job, it becomes extremely important for the organisation to make them aware of the organisational systems and procedures that he or she has to follow within the organisation. Training is provided to new employees, who have just joined the organisation and development is ...
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