Human Resource Strategy

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Human Resource Strategy

Critical Evaluation of Human Resource Strategy

Critical Evaluation of Human Resource Strategy


The unit of human resource management is such organization's functional area which is accountable for each and every feature of supporting and hiring employees (for instance, administering and providing employee benefits). Moreover, the unit of human resource management is accountable for hiring, promotion, recruitment, separation, support, and training of employees in order to enhance the productivity and performance of the organization. Human resource management is also accountable for the functions that are related to the organization's people (Grote, 2007). The department of human resource management in the organization plays an effective role because it helps in enhancing the performance of the organization. The human resource management in the organization is crucial because it encompasses the process which evaluates the needs of human resource, finds people in order to fill those vacant needs. The department of human resource management applies such human resources in complicated systems in such a way which will help people in succeeding by improving the performance and decreasing human errors (Grote, 2007).

HRM i.e. Human resource management is a new and advanced approach which manages people within the organization. People in the human resource management are considered to be the key resource in managing employees or people of the entire organization. The activities of skills development, enthusiasm for high level of achievements and ensuring maintenance of their commitment's level are all significant activities and fall under the category of human resource management. HRM i.e. human resource management is comprised of development, maintenance, acquisition, and motivation of human resources. Moreover, HRM is accountable for maintaining better human relations within the business organization. The human resource department also focuses on individual's development and attaining incorporation of the organization's goals (Grote, 2007).

The Strategic Human Resource Management focuses on linking all the human resource activities with the organization's strategic objectives. It was first conceived in the late 1980s in the face of intense competition and evolved extensively in the last 2 decades, especially by the experience which European, American and Japanese business management practices gained in the last 2 decades in their endeavor to gain competitive advantage over their competitors and win customers. Strategic Human Resource Management practices have proved to be a great tool for providing firms with competitive advantage in their approach to pursue a long-term sustainable development. Compared to traditional Human Resource Management, Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) is positioned to support corporate strategic role and functions of human resource management. In this essay, we have discussed whether and how the theory of Strategic Human Resource Management can assist organizations in achieving and sustaining competitive advantage (Bayars & Rue, 2003, Pp. 77).


Strategic Human Resource

Strategic Human Resource Management refers to a series of strategic activities focusing on the human resource development and management that the enterprises employ as their vehicle to approach their goals and objective. SHRM activities are specifically designed and focused to facilitate organizations to understand the goals (needs) of their employees and link ...
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