Human Resource Practices

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Human Resource Practices

Leadership business performance

Can the HR practices of one culture be successfully applied in another cultural context?

Cultural context

The word context concerns the meanings of tissue from the environment or surroundings, impressive intellect or field of knowledge from one human group, as part of their culture and world view or cosmology. In other words, the cultural context is everything that is part of the environment or environment is significant in the formation and development of a specific human group.

The context is not a static mold of cultural representations but an arena active in which the individual builds his understanding of the world and is comprised by both the traditional cultural content, and the needs and expectations of individual and collective arising from contact with the wider society. (David, 2005, pp. 42-48)

Organizational culture

Organizational culture is the set of values, beliefs and important understandings that members of an organization have in common. Culture provides definite forms of thought, feeling and reaction that guide decision-making and other activities of the participants in the organization.

Organizational Culture definitions share common concepts. Underscore the importance of shared values and beliefs and their effect on behavior. Culture is the social or normative glue that holds an organization that expresses the values or social ideals and beliefs that members of the organization come to share, expressed in symbolic elements such as myths, rituals, stories, legends and a specialized language. The organizational culture includes guidelines that shape the enduring behavior. Fulfills several important functions to:

•Convey a sense of identity to members of the organization

•Facilitate commitment to something greater than myself

•Strengthen social system stability

•Offer premises recognized and accepted for decision making

This definition suggests that culture play important roles in the organization. Cultural artifacts, including the design and management style, convey values and philosophies, members socialize, motivate staff and facilitate group cohesion and commitment to relevant goals. Another perspective emphasizes how culture affects behavior. "The organizational culture is a shared value system (which is important) and beliefs (how things work) that interact with people, organizational structures and control systems of a company to produce behavioral norms (as do things here). "

The definitions suggest what we all know from our personal experiences; the organizations have different cultures - goals and values, management styles and standards - for their activities. (David, 2005, pp. 42-48)

The Impact of Culture context on the Human Resources Management Practices

Organizational culture context and environmental factors determine the existence of organization and management of the organization. When staff members understand and internalize culture organizational way can be done here that it will make people choose the strategy, and behavior and their personality fit with key programs and organizations.

Since low uncertainty avoidance countries, it is likely that organizational culture, meet this condition is a narrow type. Culture is characterized by narrow tendency too much attention to factors such as family relations, social relations, and personal background, do not focus on capacity and competitiveness of the required ...
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