Human Resource Policies

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Role of Human Resource Policies & Practices in Supporting Organizational Strategy

Role of Human Resource Policies & Practices in Supporting Organizational Strategy


Today's market is the most competitive market. The competition in each and every industry is rising with a tremendous rate. Human resource management is considered to be one of the most effective organizational functions that lead to the path towards organizational success. Therefore, for any organization, it is necessary that in order to achieve the competitive edge it should mainly focus on developing best HR practices. It is the responsibility of Human Resource leaders to look at the changes occurring within an organization and how its workforce is aligned with the changes. The human resource manger is also responsible to identify the ways which can lead the organization towards the strategic focus. There is a great role of human resource practices and policies in creation of a work environment which supports the organizational strategies. The human resource management policies and practices are mainly linked to bring improvements in the workforce so that they can find the best environment to focus on strategic aspects of organization (Richardson 1999, p. 45). According to various researchers, human resource practices and policies play a crucial role for pursuing the organization to adopt the strategic options. The researchers argue that human resource practices and policies play a very important role in increasing the performance which ultimately helps the supporting the organizational strategies. The main areas of human resource management are recruitment, employee performance management, training for performance improvements and rewards. By performing all these functions in an effective manner, the human resource practices and policies greatly support the organizational strategies. The main purpose of this paper is to identify the ways through which the human resource practices and policies support the organizational strategies of a selected organization.

Company Overview

Apple Inc. is an American based organization which is involved in the business of designing and marketing the personal computers, consumer electronics and software of computers. The company is renowned by its hardware products like iPhone, iPod and iPad etc. The main software of the company are iTunes media browser, Aperture, Mac OS operating system, Final Cut Studio etc. The company has been established in 1976 and is performing its business all over the world. The company is very famous and reputable in the consumer electronics industry (Sanz1999, p. 71). For Apple Inc. its human resource is the main asset for the company. Apple Inc. adopts various strategies for improvement of the workforce. Apple Inc. believes that the development of effective HR policies and practices can play a very important role in the development of an organizational success. Apple believes that the supportive HR policies and practices help in increasing the employee satisfaction and motivation which ultimately becomes a supporter in strategic development of an organization. A well groomed and trained employee in a perfect work environment can play a very crucial role in the strategic development of an ...
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